Layout A library to help making responsive layouts A library to help making responsive layouts 06 January 2024
Layout A Jetpack Compose layout that places its children in a way that CSS Flexible Box Layout Module does A Jetpack Compose layout that places its children in a way that CSS Flexible Box Layout Module does 18 September 2023
Tool A tool to assist in your migration from classic Android XML layouts to Jetpack Compose A tool to assist in your migration from classic Android XML layouts to Jetpack Compose 29 August 2023
Layout Creating interactive UIs with Motion Layout using Jetpack Compose Creating interactive UIs with Motion Layout using Jetpack Compose 17 July 2023
List / Grid Missing grid layout for Jetpack Compose and Compose Multiplatform Missing grid layout for Jetpack Compose and Compose Multiplatform 02 July 2023
Layout Lazy layout to display program guide data on the two directional plane Lazy layout to display program guide data on the two directional plane 29 May 2023
Layout Lazy layout to display columns and rows of data on the two directional plane Lazy layout to display columns and rows of data on the two directional plane 27 May 2023
Layout A layout that you can swipe/slide to show another layout A layout that you can swipe/slide to show another layout 20 May 2023
Swipe Swipe able recycler view kotlin using swipe able layout library Swipe able recycler view kotlin using swipe able layout library 29 April 2023
Refresh A custom compose layout which supports refreshing and loading more gesture A custom compose layout which supports refreshing and loading more gesture 25 April 2023
RecyclerView Android RecyclerView with Staggered Grid Layout Manager Example Android RecyclerView with Staggered Grid Layout Manager Example 02 April 2023
RecyclerView Overscroll layout for NestedScrollView and RecyclerView Overscroll layout for NestedScrollView and RecyclerView 14 March 2023
Jetpack Compose Jetpack Compose library for easy implementation of Adaptive Layout Jetpack Compose library for easy implementation of Adaptive Layout 08 February 2023
Layout A custom Compose layout backed by a physics engine A custom Compose layout backed by a physics engine 12 December 2022
Dynamic Implemented dynamic spot view using jetpack compose and motion layout Implemented dynamic spot view using jetpack compose and motion layout 30 November 2022
Text Text layout for Compose to flow text around arbitrary shapes Text layout for Compose to flow text around arbitrary shapes 25 November 2022
Layout Udacity Android Kotlin Development Layouts and Navigation Project Udacity Android Kotlin Development Layouts and Navigation Project 21 November 2022
Tic Tac Toe Tic Tac Toe Game using responsive layout and Kotlin in backend Tic Tac Toe Game using responsive layout and Kotlin in backend 08 November 2022
Layout A sample of how to use the swipe-layout library in an Android App A sample of how to use the swipe-layout library in an Android App 22 October 2022
Jetpack Compose A Collection of super cool Jetpack compose UI elements, Layouts, Animations A Collection of super cool Jetpack compose UI elements, Layouts, Animations 10 October 2022
Layout Showcase Layout allows you to easily showcase and explain jetpack compose UI elements to users in a beautiful and attractive way Showcase Layout allows you to easily showcase and explain jetpack compose UI elements to users in a beautiful and attractive way 07 October 2022
RecyclerView An application to view dogs owned by Googlers in different layouts using recycler view An application to view dogs owned by Googlers in different layouts using recycler view 07 October 2022
Layout A container layout that has a label and draws a rounded border over the view A container layout that has a label and draws a rounded border over the view 30 September 2022
Slider A lightweight library to add sliding panel behavior to any layout or fragment in your project A lightweight library to add sliding panel behavior to any layout or fragment in your project 24 September 2022
Dynamic Island Clone for the Dynamic Island using Motion Layout and Jetpack Compose Clone for the Dynamic Island using Motion Layout and Jetpack Compose 17 September 2022
Zoom Zoom Modifiers, zoomable image and layouts with limit pan bounds Zoom Modifiers, zoomable image and layouts with limit pan bounds 25 August 2022
Tabs Coustom Tab Layout with Tab Text Ui design Coustom Tab Layout with Tab Text Ui design 30 July 2022
Layout A library provides a layout that offers the swipe-to-refresh UX pattern, similar to Android's SwipeRefreshLayout A library provides a layout that offers the swipe-to-refresh UX pattern, similar to Android's SwipeRefreshLayout 10 July 2022
Layout Library for custom layout manager on Android Library for custom layout manager on Android 05 July 2022
Layout A container layout that allows you to use ShapeDrawable attributes immediately in layout xml without creating a separate ShapeDrawable A container layout that allows you to use ShapeDrawable attributes immediately in layout xml without creating a separate ShapeDrawable 13 June 2022
Layout A Coordinator Layout-like component in Jetpack Compose A Coordinator Layout-like component in Jetpack Compose. 24 May 2022
compose-desktop Compose desktop application for viewing layouts and measure distance between views Compose desktop application for viewing layouts and measure distance between views 22 May 2022
Layout Clone faceBook Story with JetPackCompose and MotionLayout Clone faceBook Story with JetPackCompose and MotionLayout 12 May 2022
Animations An application that shows a short story using the property animations and motion layout An application that shows a short story using the property animations and motion layout 28 April 2022
Layout Draftsman: An on device layout inspector which can be embedded in your android app Draftsman: An on device layout inspector which can be embedded in your android app 30 March 2022
RecyclerView How to handle recyclerView in Kotlin to display grid , vertical , horizontal layouts How to handle recyclerView in Kotlin to display grid , vertical , horizontal layouts 29 March 2022
Apps A simple trivia app built using Android and Android Studio's Layout Editor A simple trivia app built using Android and Android Studio's Layout Editor 23 March 2022
Layout Challenge Binar membuat layout GoJek dan Shopee Challenge Binar membuat layout GoJek dan Shopee 13 March 2022
Layout Easy way to manage common state templates like loading, empty, error etc Easy way to manage common state templates like loading, empty, error etc 09 March 2022
Jetpack Compose Jetpack Compose + TabLayout + Animation Jetpack Compose + TabLayout + Animation 06 March 2022
Layout Responsive Layout Grid Configuration using Compose. An adaptive layout Responsive Layout Grid Configuration using Compose. An adaptive layout 04 March 2022
Layout Tradition Layout VS ConstraintLayout VS CustomViewGroup Tradition Layout VS ConstraintLayout VS CustomViewGroup 23 February 2022
Kotlin Android Kotlin Fundamentals: 02.3 ConstraintLayout using the Layout Editor Android Kotlin Fundamentals: 02.3 ConstraintLayout using the Layout Editor 14 February 2022
Layout Blur Effect in Android 12 with motion layout carousel Blur Effect in Android 12 with motion layout carousel 01 February 2022