Discord Generate Discord messages on a HTML canvas, e.g. for ticket transcripts or message lookup results Generate Discord messages on a HTML canvas, e.g. for ticket transcripts or message lookup results 16 October 2023
Text Text to image generation app using Compose Multiplatform with Clean Architecture Text to image generation app using Compose Multiplatform with Clean Architecture 31 August 2023
Generator AI chatbot, Lecture Summarizer, Essay Writer and Questionss Generator AI chatbot, Lecture Summarizer, Essay Writer and Questionss Generator 10 August 2023
Quotes A simple random quote generator app for android A simple random quote generator app for android 07 August 2023
Generator Android app that uses the OpenAI API to generate any recipe you could imagine Android app that uses the OpenAI API to generate any recipe you could imagine 01 July 2023
Color Generates colour randdomly on clicking the screen using Jetpack Compose Generates colour randdomly on clicking the screen using Jetpack Compose 09 June 2023
Generator Code generation plug-in based on database table Code generation plug-in based on database table 17 May 2023
Generator Dating Course AI Generation Service Android Application Dating Course AI Generation Service Android Application 05 May 2023
Generator Suppress the generation of the copy() function in Kotlin's data class Suppress the generation of the copy() function in Kotlin's data class 29 April 2023
Questions Basic Arithmetic Questions Generator for Android Basic Arithmetic Questions Generator for Android 11 March 2023
Compiler KSP Compiler plugin for protobuf generation from POJO KSP Compiler plugin for protobuf generation from POJO 10 March 2023
Generator A beautiful functional app that allows you to encrypt your secret messages/texts A beautiful functional app that allows you to encrypt your secret messages/texts 09 March 2023
Converter GPX to Images/Video converter with Kotlin GPX to Images/Video converter with Kotlin 24 February 2023
Generator A flexible, customizable, lightweight generator core A flexible, customizable, lightweight generator core 21 February 2023
Generator App to generate stat card for your github profile with a set of customizable options App to generate stat card for your github profile with a set of customizable options 21 December 2022
Minecraft A minecraft plugin that can generate mazes of any size A minecraft plugin that can generate mazes of any size 12 December 2022
Generator Generates NXBT macros to automate drawing posts in Splatoon 3 Generates NXBT macros to automate drawing posts in Splatoon 3 18 October 2022
Generator KotlinScript that generate Reel from a given image, text and audio KotlinScript that generate Reel from a given image, text and audio 10 October 2022
Jetpack Compose Jetpack Compose Generate Random User Application Jetpack Compose Generate Random User Application 23 September 2022
Generator Kotlin Ktor plugin to generate OpenAPI and provide Swagger UI Kotlin Ktor plugin to generate OpenAPI and provide Swagger UI 08 September 2022
QR Code An android application that generate and scan qr code An android application that generate and scan qr code 16 August 2022
Kotlin Kotlin Symbol Processor to auto-generate extensive sealed classes and interfaces for Android and Kotlin Kotlin Symbol Processor to auto-generate extensive sealed classes and interfaces for Android and Kotlin 14 August 2022
Password A simple password generator app that creates a randomly generated password at the click of a button A simple password generator app that creates a randomly generated password at the click of a button 12 August 2022
Generator Generates type-safe mutable adapter models from immutable model definitions at compile time with KSP Generates type-safe mutable adapter models from immutable model definitions at compile time with KSP 06 August 2022
Gradle A Gradle plugin for Kotlin Multiplatform projects that generate a XCFramework for Apple targets or a FatFramework for iOS targets A Gradle plugin for Kotlin Multiplatform projects that generate a XCFramework for Apple targets or a FatFramework for iOS targets 28 July 2022
Kotlin Java/Kotlin generic TOTP and HOTP generator and validator for multi-factor authentication valid for both prover and verifier based on shared secret Java/Kotlin generic TOTP and HOTP generator and validator for multi-factor authentication valid for both prover and verifier based on shared secret 26 July 2022
Generator Next Generation native Android Kotlin Demo App Next Generation native Android Kotlin Demo App 23 July 2022
Jetpack Compose A plugin that automatically generate your previews for Jetpack Compose A plugin that automatically generate your previews for Jetpack Compose 01 July 2022
Generator Swift-friendly api generator for Kotlin/Native frameworks Swift-friendly api generator for Kotlin/Native frameworks 24 June 2022
Generator Generate diagram sequences (mermaid format) based on the classes of each package Generate diagram sequences (mermaid format) based on the classes of each package 18 June 2022
Event Process events from pertaining to insurance policies and generate reports Process events from pertaining to insurance policies and generate reports 17 June 2022
Error Minimalistic services that generates a desired errorcode Minimalistic services that generates a desired errorcode 16 June 2022
Generator Kactory - A library to auto generate simple factory classes via ksp(Kotlin Symbol Processing) Kactory - A library to auto generate simple factory classes via ksp(Kotlin Symbol Processing) 06 June 2022
Generator constantCreator, Generate Unique Constants For your Classes constantCreator, Generate Unique Constants For your Classes 24 May 2022
Apps A little application written to generate a CV in PDF format A little application written to generate a CV in PDF format 16 May 2022
Automation Automatically generates UI demos which allow users to call any function with any parameters Automatically generates UI demos which allow users to call any function with any parameters 10 May 2022
Kotlin Kotlin compiler plugin generates support methods for use SaveStateHandle without constants and string variables Kotlin compiler plugin generates support methods for use SaveStateHandle without constants and string variables 02 May 2022
Password A Secure Password Generator designed with security precautions for the user's data A Secure Password Generator designed with security precautions for the user's data 30 April 2022
QR Code A simple QR code generator written in Kotlin A simple QR code generator written in Kotlin 30 April 2022
Generator KSP-based library that generates lists from your annotation usages KSP-based library that generates lists from your annotation usages 29 April 2022
Generator HQ OpenAPI Specification and Client & Server SDK Generators HQ OpenAPI Specification and Client & Server SDK Generators 13 April 2022
Apps An Android application in which a user can ask the server to generate a random message and its sha256 An Android application in which a user can ask the server to generate a random message and its sha256 12 April 2022
Generator A Gradle plugin that generates plugin.yml for Bukkit/BungeeCord/Nukkit plugins based on the Gradle project A Gradle plugin that generates plugin.yml for Bukkit/BungeeCord/Nukkit plugins based on the Gradle project 11 April 2022
Kotlin Kotlin Annotation Processor for generating serializers for bitmasks Kotlin Annotation Processor for generating serializers for bitmasks 10 April 2022
Apps A simple application of the Random Word Generator. Used Random Words API by Dev404, RapidApi, Unirest and Anko A simple application of the Random Word Generator. Used Random Words API by Dev404, RapidApi, Unirest and Anko 01 April 2022
Kotlin A clean OpenAPI client generator for Kotlin multiplatform A clean OpenAPI client generator for Kotlin multiplatform 29 March 2022