Food Food ordering application using Mvvm architecture Food ordering application using Mvvm architecture 28 October 2023
Text Text to image generation app using Compose Multiplatform with Clean Architecture Text to image generation app using Compose Multiplatform with Clean Architecture 31 August 2023
Shop A dummy shopping app for learning how to use MVVM + Clean Architecture A dummy shopping app for learning how to use MVVM + Clean Architecture 17 June 2023
clean architecture Clean architecture basics with compose, Usage of Canvas and designing dynamic UIs with Compose Clean architecture basics with compose, Usage of Canvas and designing dynamic UIs with Compose 13 April 2023
Stock A stock market application used to learn Android/Kotlin MVVM and Clean Architecture A stock market application used to learn Android/Kotlin MVVM and Clean Architecture 08 April 2023
Todo Todo and habits app that built with clean architecture, MVVM and Modularization Todo and habits app that built with clean architecture, MVVM and Modularization 20 March 2023
clean architecture Simple server for learning client-server architecture on Ktor Simple server for learning client-server architecture on Ktor 04 March 2023
Apps A sample app that showcases details of a food item built with clean architecture A sample app that showcases details of a food item built with clean architecture 02 March 2023
clean architecture Modern Android App Architecture Template Modern Android App Architecture Template 15 February 2023
Jetpack Compose CabifyStore built with Jetpack Compose, Hilt and Clean Architecture + MVVM CabifyStore built with Jetpack Compose, Hilt and Clean Architecture + MVVM 27 January 2023
TDD Advices history and favorites TDD MVVM Clean Architecture Advices history and favorites TDD MVVM Clean Architecture 13 January 2023
Stock Simple Stock Market application implemented in Clean Architecture using Jetpack Compose Simple Stock Market application implemented in Clean Architecture using Jetpack Compose 01 January 2023
News A simple application for viewing news with multimodule architecture, MVVM, paging, unit tests A simple application for viewing news with multimodule architecture, MVVM, paging, unit tests 17 December 2022
Recipes Food Recipes - Android application built with Jetpack compose, MVVM and clean architecture approach Food Recipes - Android application built with Jetpack compose, MVVM and clean architecture approach 08 December 2022
clean architecture A clean construct of lazy callbacks to run expensive initialisations after the initial rendering of screen is completed A clean construct of lazy callbacks to run expensive initialisations after the initial rendering of screen is completed 29 November 2022
Jetpack Compose Example of Jetpack Compose clean Android architecture with Koin DI Example of Jetpack Compose clean Android architecture with Koin DI 29 November 2022
Firestore Firestore Clean Architecture App with Kotlin Firestore Clean Architecture App with Kotlin 26 November 2022
Notes A modern Android development with Hilt, Coroutines, Jetpack A modern Android development with Hilt, Coroutines, Jetpack 10 November 2022
Monitoring Call monitor android app written in MVI unidirectional data flow and Clean Architecture pattern Call monitor android app written in MVI unidirectional data flow and Clean Architecture pattern 20 October 2022
Movie MovieApp with TDD, Clean Architecture & Jetpack Compose MovieApp with TDD, Clean Architecture & Jetpack Compose 15 October 2022
Notes Make a simple note app with Clean Architecture (MVVM / CRUD / Jetpack Compose) Make a simple note app with Clean Architecture (MVVM / CRUD / Jetpack Compose) 07 October 2022
GraphQL Slootnime - simple android app to learn graphql API with Apollo and clean architecture Slootnime - simple android app to learn graphql API with Apollo and clean architecture 04 October 2022
clean architecture Sample MVC architecture code kotlin android Sample MVC architecture code kotlin android 18 September 2022
clean architecture A clean architecture crypto currency application A clean architecture crypto currency application 14 September 2022
MVVM Android MVVM Architecture using Kotlin, RxJava, Koin Android MVVM Architecture using Kotlin, RxJava, Koin 10 September 2022
clean architecture A thought experiment on architecture, object-oriented programming, and composability A thought experiment on architecture, object-oriented programming, and composability 03 September 2022
clean architecture How to implement recommended app architecture practices within a more advanced use case How to implement recommended app architecture practices within a more advanced use case 24 August 2022
clean architecture Follows android app architecture practices to separate UI from data layer Follows android app architecture practices to separate UI from data layer 23 August 2022
clean architecture AI learns to drive a car using Neural Evolution AI learns to drive a car using Neural Evolution 16 August 2022
clean architecture Lesson 5: Android App Architecture (ui) Lesson 5: Android App Architecture (ui) 12 August 2022
News NewsBuzz demonstrates modern Android development with Hilt, Coroutines, Jetpack (Room, ViewModel) based on MVVM architecture NewsBuzz demonstrates modern Android development with Hilt, Coroutines, Jetpack (Room, ViewModel) based on MVVM architecture 11 August 2022
Pokemon A demo Pokemon Card app using Compose and Koin based on MVI architecture A demo Pokemon Card app using Compose and Koin based on MVI architecture 10 August 2022
Shop Android shopping app built with MVVM Clean Architecture consuming FAKE STORE API Android shopping app built with MVVM Clean Architecture consuming FAKE STORE API 06 August 2022
Guess Application Architecture - The UI Layer - Guess It Application Architecture - The UI Layer - Guess It 01 August 2022
Tracking Calorie tracking app using multi-module CLEAN architecture Calorie tracking app using multi-module CLEAN architecture 30 July 2022
clean architecture Clean Architecture App using MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) Clean Architecture App using MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) 30 July 2022
Apps Learning Project (Story App) For Applying Android Architecture Components And Clean Architecture Using MVVM With Kotlin Learning Project (Story App) For Applying Android Architecture Components And Clean Architecture Using MVVM With Kotlin 28 July 2022
MVVM Integration of Retrofit and Hilt-Dagger with MVVM architecture to get request from GitHub Api Integration of Retrofit and Hilt-Dagger with MVVM architecture to get request from GitHub Api 27 July 2022
RecyclerView A simple demo project based on Recyclerview with MVVM clean architecture A simple demo project based on Recyclerview with MVVM clean architecture 23 July 2022
Photo Android test project with Dagger, Coroutines, Flow/LiveData and Jetpack based on MVVM architecture Android test project with Dagger, Coroutines, Flow/LiveData and Jetpack based on MVVM architecture 20 July 2022
Apps Mercado Libre App Clone using modern Android development with Hilt, Coroutines, Jetpack Mercado Libre App Clone using modern Android development with Hilt, Coroutines, Jetpack 17 July 2022
Apps A TV Showcase App using Jetpack libs and MVVM arch A TV Showcase App using Jetpack libs and MVVM arch 17 July 2022
Math Math Your Brain - A math game built using Jetpack Compose and Modern MVVM Architecture Math Your Brain - A math game built using Jetpack Compose and Modern MVVM Architecture 09 July 2022
Cryptocurrency A Cool Crypto Currency Tracker with jetpack compose and clean architecture A Cool Crypto Currency Tracker with jetpack compose and clean architecture 04 July 2022
News A simple NewsApp built using Jetpack Compose, MVVM Architecture, Dagger Hilt and Kotlin Flow A simple NewsApp built using Jetpack Compose, MVVM Architecture, Dagger Hilt and Kotlin Flow 04 July 2022
Apps A FaceTimeClone app that implements mvvm architecture A FaceTimeClone app that implements mvvm architecture 26 June 2022
Jetpack Compose Diploma Project, Jetpack Compose, Multi-Module Architecture, MVI, Hilt, Ktor, SqlDelight, Coroutines, Coil Diploma Project, Jetpack Compose, Multi-Module Architecture, MVI, Hilt, Ktor, SqlDelight, Coroutines, Coil 25 June 2022
Notes An Android note app that is developed using Jetpack Compose and Clean Architecture An Android note app that is developed using Jetpack Compose and Clean Architecture 25 June 2022
Apps iTunes App - A small demo application based on modern Android application tech-stacks and MVVM architecture iTunes App - A small demo application based on modern Android application tech-stacks and MVVM architecture 25 June 2022