Navigation A custom implementation of bottom navigation for Android projects A custom implementation of bottom navigation for Android projects 10 December 2023
Navigation A Navigation component in Android JetPack Compose A Navigation component in Android JetPack Compose 18 November 2023
BottomBar A simple bottom navigation with custom smooth slide animation library built in jetpack compose A simple bottom navigation with custom smooth slide animation library built in jetpack compose 16 October 2023
Navigation A navigation bar with a number of preset animations written in Jetpack Compose A navigation bar with a number of preset animations written in Jetpack Compose 04 August 2023
Navigation Bottom Navigation Bar using Jetpack Compose Bottom Navigation Bar using Jetpack Compose 30 July 2023
Drawer Navigation Drawer using the Fragment Section Navigation Drawer using the Fragment Section 23 July 2023
Navigation A navigation bar widget inspired on Google Bottom Navigation mixed with Chips component A navigation bar widget inspired on Google Bottom Navigation mixed with Chips component 03 June 2023
BottomBar Bottom navigation with kotlin using fragments Bottom navigation with kotlin using fragments 18 May 2023
Drawer Navigation drawer using Jetpack Compose with latest Material 3 Design components Navigation drawer using Jetpack Compose with latest Material 3 Design components 29 March 2023
BottomBar Liquid Bottom Navigation UI Design in Jetpack Compose Liquid Bottom Navigation UI Design in Jetpack Compose 22 March 2023
BottomBar Android Bottom Navigation Multiple Back-Stack Android Bottom Navigation Multiple Back-Stack 16 March 2023
BottomBar Android App demonstrating a way to create nested navigation graph Android App demonstrating a way to create nested navigation graph 11 March 2023
Navigation A sample compose navigation destination code generation with kotlin symbols processing A sample compose navigation destination code generation with kotlin symbols processing 27 February 2023
Navigation An Advanced Automated Navigation for Visually Impaired People An Advanced Automated Navigation for Visually Impaired People 30 January 2023
Navigation A silly sample project, to play with Navigation for Compose A silly sample project, to play with Navigation for Compose 15 January 2023
Navigation AR based navigation system with Kotlin AR based navigation system with Kotlin 08 January 2023
BottomBar A fast lightweight android material bottom navigation bar library for Android and iOS A fast lightweight android material bottom navigation bar library for Android and iOS 13 December 2022
Movie A movie information app made with coil and navigation libraries A movie information app made with coil and navigation libraries 25 November 2022
Layout Udacity Android Kotlin Development Layouts and Navigation Project Udacity Android Kotlin Development Layouts and Navigation Project 21 November 2022
Navigation View Navigator - A tool that allows you to inspect and validate all the views of a screen individually View Navigator - A tool that allows you to inspect and validate all the views of a screen individually 22 October 2022
Navigation A simple, highly customizable compose navigation component for Android & Desktop platform A simple, highly customizable compose navigation component for Android & Desktop platform. 20 September 2022
Navigation Type-safe arguments for JetPack Navigation Compose using Kotlinx.Serialization Type-safe arguments for JetPack Navigation Compose using Kotlinx.Serialization 15 September 2022
Navigation Sample app to practicing Android Navigation Component. Developed using Kotlin Sample app to practicing Android Navigation Component. Developed using Kotlin 05 September 2022
Navigation Type-safe arguments for JetPack Navigation Compose using Kotlinx.Serialization Type-safe arguments for JetPack Navigation Compose using Kotlinx.Serialization 04 September 2022
Drawer Similar to NoteKeeper but more decorated and including a navigation drawer Similar to NoteKeeper but more decorated and including a navigation drawer 27 August 2022
BottomBar Shadow Indicator Bottom Navigation View Android Shadow Indicator Bottom Navigation View Android 27 August 2022
Password Password Manager Android App with Dagger-Hilt, Room, MVVM, Navigation Components Password Manager Android App with Dagger-Hilt, Room, MVVM, Navigation Components 16 August 2022
Navigation Navigation in Android: Activity, Fragment, Intents, Navigation Component Navigation in Android: Activity, Fragment, Intents, Navigation Component 16 August 2022
Navigation Bottom Navigation in Jetpack Compose Android Bottom Navigation in Jetpack Compose Android 16 August 2022
Navigation Navigation using MapBox latest sdk in android Navigation using MapBox latest sdk in android 06 August 2022
Robot Parking Robot based on 3D LiDAR. Keywords: Automatic Parking, SLAM, 3D Navigation, Remote Control, ROS, RRT Parking Robot based on 3D LiDAR. Keywords: Automatic Parking, SLAM, 3D Navigation, Remote Control, ROS, RRT 28 July 2022
Jetpack Compose A sample app that demonstrates the basics of Jetpack Compose Navigation A sample app that demonstrates the basics of Jetpack Compose Navigation 25 July 2022
Bubbles Add Bubble Navigation Bar in Android Jetpack Compose Add Bubble Navigation Bar in Android Jetpack Compose 14 July 2022
MVVM Kotlin, MVVM, Navigation Component, Hilt, Jetpack Compose, Retrofit2 Kotlin, MVVM, Navigation Component, Hilt, Jetpack Compose, Retrofit2 10 July 2022
Apps Educational App that shows a list of courses, made with Retrofit, Coroutines, Navigation Component, Room Educational App that shows a list of courses, made with Retrofit, Coroutines, Navigation Component, Room 05 July 2022
Jetpack Compose Nested Navigation with Bottom Bar and Jetpack Compose Nested Navigation with Bottom Bar and Jetpack Compose 18 June 2022
Kotlin ViewModel LiveData Hilt (for dependency injection) Kotlin Coroutines Retrofit Room Navigation ViewModel LiveData Hilt (for dependency injection) Kotlin Coroutines Retrofit Room Navigation 15 June 2022
Navigation A basic android app helps learning about Fragments and the Navigation Component A basic android app helps learning about Fragments and the Navigation Component 09 June 2022
Navigation Made with kotlin basically after leraning navigations and Fragments Made with kotlin basically after leraning navigations and Fragments 07 June 2022
BottomBar An example of implementing bottom navigation with Compose Destinations Library An example of implementing bottom navigation with Compose Destinations Library 23 May 2022
MVVM Example Multi module architecture Android project using MVVM, Dynamic Features, Dagger-Hilt, Coroutines and Navigation Components Example Multi module architecture Android project using MVVM, Dynamic Features, Dagger-Hilt, Coroutines and Navigation Components 10 May 2022
Navigation Android application for department navigation Android application for department navigation 09 May 2022
Fetch Space x app fetching data from api using apollographql, databinding, navigation components and hilt for DI Space x app fetching data from api using apollographql, databinding, navigation components and hilt for DI 05 May 2022
Navigation A project has navigation component that allows users to navigate between pages A project has navigation component that allows users to navigate between pages 26 April 2022
Tutorial Video Tutorial: Navigation drawer in Kotlin Video Tutorial: Navigation drawer in Kotlin 10 April 2022