Button Animated Like Button Library for Android Animated Like Button Library for Android 22 December 2023
Widget An Android widget that displays a counter and provides buttons to increment An Android widget that displays a counter and provides buttons to increment 21 July 2023
Button Jetpack Compose clipped quadrilateral buttons Missing grid layout for Jetpack Compose and Compose Multiplatform 02 July 2023
Button A small library for Material Design 3 inspired Segmented Button A small library for Material Design 3 inspired Segmented Button 11 May 2023
Toggle Animated toggle button using jetpack compose Animated toggle button using jetpack compose 19 March 2023
Swipe A composable widget SwipeBox that can be swiped left or right to show the action buttons A composable widget SwipeBox that can be swiped left or right to show the action buttons 28 December 2022
Animations Animated circular download button made using Jetpack Compose Animated circular download button made using Jetpack Compose 21 December 2022
Button A compose library that contains buttons stylized according to the specification of each brand A compose library that contains buttons stylized according to the specification of each brand 29 November 2022
Button An App to download a file from Internet by clicking on a custom-built button An App to download a file from Internet by clicking on a custom-built button 25 August 2022
Calculator Calculate VAT using ViewBinding and Views such as RadioButton and Switch Calculate VAT using ViewBinding and Views such as RadioButton and Switch 12 August 2022
Button MaterialButton from Android's material design library with a progress indicator MaterialButton from Android's material design library with a progress indicator 01 August 2022
Apps Simple application with a small button that makes a sound effect and rolles a dice Simple application with a small button that makes a sound effect and rolles a dice 04 July 2022
Button User must choose which of 2 buttons has the larger number User must choose which of 2 buttons has the larger number. 23 May 2022
Tracker TrackMySleepQuality - Final Code for 6.3 Recording Quality & Button States TrackMySleepQuality - Final Code for 6.3 Recording Quality & Button States 19 May 2022
Testing How to write a ui test for a screen with one button and one text How to write a ui test for a screen with one button and one text 17 May 2022
Button Button, imageView, CardView, ConstraintLayout and TextView features was used in the design Button, imageView, CardView, ConstraintLayout and TextView features was used in the design 19 April 2022
Numbers Increase Decrease Button: A simple customizable NumberPicker for Android Increase Decrease Button: A simple customizable NumberPicker for Android 23 February 2022
Swipe Swipe Button Animation with jetPack Compose Swipe Button Animation with jetPack Compose 16 February 2022
State TrackMySleepQuality - Final Code for 6.3 Recording Quality & Button States TrackMySleepQuality - Final Code for 6.3 Recording Quality & Button States 16 February 2022
Animations Animate back arrow to close button in Compose using animated drawables Animate back arrow to close button in Compose using animated drawables 11 February 2022
IntelliJ IntelliJ Plugin for adding hovering buttons to Angular component files to quickly open the code IntelliJ Plugin for adding hovering buttons to Angular component files to quickly open the code 05 January 2022
Loading A set of Loading animations used in Buttons to convey a loading state after the button is clicked A set of Loading animations used in Buttons to convey a loading state after the button is clicked 04 January 2022
Button Floating Action Button But Moveable And Expandalbe Floating Action Button But Moveable And Expandalbe 26 December 2021
Jetpack Compose Veneer: reactive buttons for Jetpack Compose Veneer: reactive buttons for Jetpack Compose 13 December 2021
Login A login page where we have a designied login button A login page where we have a designied login button 05 December 2021
Button Awesome-Buttons : a library of beautiful animated buttons for Android applications Awesome-Buttons : a library of beautiful animated buttons for Android applications 13 November 2021
Jetpack Compose Jetpack Compose Expand Floating Action Button Jetpack Compose Expand Floating Action Button 13 November 2021
Menu A dual-function menu button that offers a default action as well as the possibility A dual-function menu button that offers a default action as well as the possibility 12 November 2021
Jetpack Compose A simple utility Compose to add customizable buttons when swiping the card in an easy way A simple utility Compose to add customizable buttons when swiping the card in an easy way 12 November 2021
Material Design Android library providing an implementation of the Material Design Floating Action Button Speed Dial Android library providing an implementation of the Material Design Floating Action Button Speed Dial 08 November 2021
ActionBar Kotlin Expanding Floating Action button Kotlin Expanding Floating Action button 03 November 2021
Button A button to substitute the ProgressDialog A button to substitute the ProgressDialog 04 October 2021
Button Button for android with animations for transition and error states Button for android with animations for transition and error states 11 September 2021
Squircle A library which provides you with Squircle views to use for buttons SquircleView is a library which provides you with Squircle views to use for buttons, views, etc. 24 June 2021
Button No need to write boilerplate code for handling the different states of button Progress Button is a android library for hanling different types state like active, finished, enabled, disabled and reset with a single line of code. 21 June 2021
Button Easy creation and management of toggle buttons from the Material Design spec Easy creation and management of toggle buttons from the Material Design spec. 06 May 2021
Floating NativeScript plugin for Material Design Floating Action Button UI component NativeScript plugin for Material Design Floating Action Button UI component. 14 February 2021
Button Make it easy to page through when loading a lot of data LakuePagingButton make it easy to page through when loading a lot of data. 18 April 2020
Button A simple library that can implement custom google sign in button You want to add a Google Sign-In button to your Android application. 21 November 2019
Button A custom swipe Button of Android ui you can swipe both sides SwipeAnimationButton is a custom swipe Button of Android ui. 25 September 2019
Button Android Library to beautify your layouts with glowing buttons Android Library to beautify your layouts with glowing buttons. 23 September 2019