Toolbar Compose Telegram Like Collapsing Toolbar Compose Telegram Like Collapsing Toolbar 01 March 2023
Toolbar Jetpack Compose toolbar implementation sample based on specification from HeadHunter design system Jetpack Compose toolbar implementation sample based on specification from HeadHunter design system 27 November 2022
Toolbar FadingToolbar - An animation library which fades out your footer view in a ScrollView/RecyclerView and fades in a toolbar title FadingToolbar - An animation library which fades out your footer view in a ScrollView/RecyclerView and fades in a toolbar title 11 August 2022
Jetpack Compose A Jetpack Compose Collapsing Top Bar, that expands or collapses based on the scrolling of a content A Jetpack Compose Collapsing Top Bar, that expands or collapses based on the scrolling of a content 06 June 2022
Toolbar An easy-to-use, cross-platform measurement tool that pulls data out of CD pipelines and analysis the four key metrics for you An easy-to-use, cross-platform measurement tool that pulls data out of CD pipelines and analysis the four key metrics for you 18 December 2021
Navigation A navigation bar widget inspired on Google Bottom Navigation mixed A navigation bar widget inspired on Google Bottom Navigation mixed with Chips component. 16 June 2019
Toolbar A material bottom bar library for Android Yet another material bottom bar library for Android. 24 March 2019
Layout Standard Collapsing Toolbar Layout with subtitle support Using internal components of support design library allows it to behave similarly to its sibling CollapsingToolbarLayout, while also ensuring minimum library size. 26 May 2018
Toolbar A simple transparent toolbar for Android A simple transparent toolbar for Android. 24 May 2018
Toolbar Collapsing toolbar android material design collapsing toolbar android material design. 19 May 2018
Material Design Android Sample Project with Material Design and Toolbar Android Sample Project with Material Design and Toolbar. Project use Appcompat library for material design. 26 August 2017