Button Floating Action Button But Moveable And Expandalbe Floating Action Button But Moveable And Expandalbe 26 December 2021
Jetpack Compose Jetpack Compose Expand Floating Action Button Jetpack Compose Expand Floating Action Button 13 November 2021
Material Design Android library providing an implementation of the Material Design Floating Action Button Speed Dial Android library providing an implementation of the Material Design Floating Action Button Speed Dial 08 November 2021
ActionBar Kotlin Expanding Floating Action button Kotlin Expanding Floating Action button 03 November 2021
ActionBar A simple library for Android which replaces the stock contextual action bar Material CAB allows you to implement a customizable and flexible contextual action bar in your app. 24 September 2018
ActionBar An Android custom animation view that looks like WhastApp Profile screen style An Android custom animation on collapsing toolbar that looks like WhastApp Profile screen style. 02 May 2018
ActionBar Smooth version of Google Support Design AppBarLayout The issue that is addressed in this library is fixed from support design 26.0.0 or above (finally). 02 May 2018
ActionBar One Behavior help AppBarLayout to scroll spring and with fling fix app bar One library contains one behavior help appbarlayout to scroll spring. 02 May 2018
ActionBar Simple and easy way to deal with CoordinatorLayout Behavior Simple View Behavior for Android CoordinatorLayout. 02 May 2018
ActionBar An explaination on how to implement the edition screen of the Newsstand app News Stand app makes the ActionBar not boring! 15 October 2017
ActionBar A library that adds a glass-like effect to the action bar GlassActionBar is an Android library which implements a glass-like effect for the action bar. 15 October 2017
ActionBar Android library implementing a fading effect for the action bar FadingActionBar is a library which implements the cool fading action bar effect that can be seen in the new Play Music app. 15 October 2017