TextField Custom Compose OtpTextField that can be used as an OTP field for authentication, PIN code Custom Compose OtpTextField that can be used as an OTP field for authentication, PIN code 13 September 2023
TextField Android Jetpack Compose provides the TextField component Android Jetpack Compose provides the TextField component 07 July 2023
TextField A custom text field to enter a code usually used in cases of authentication A custom text field to enter a code usually used in cases of authentication 14 March 2023
TextField Edittext Input Validator Library For Android Edittext Input Validator Library For Android 02 March 2023
EditText An Android library to apply predefined formatting to the EditText field An Android library to apply predefined formatting to the EditText field 31 January 2023
Jetpack Compose Andrord Jetpack Compose custom OTP input field implementation Andrord Jetpack Compose custom OTP input field implementation 21 December 2022
TextField Currency text field made with jetpack compose Currency text field made with jetpack compose 08 December 2022
Search Add Ios Swipe Search TextField Component in Android Jetpack Compose Add Ios Swipe Search TextField Component in Android Jetpack Compose. 16 October 2022
TextField Android Jetpack Compose example of AutoSize TextField implementation with the help of BoxWithConstraints Android Jetpack Compose example of AutoSize TextField implementation with the help of BoxWithConstraints. 11 August 2022
TextField Notify type based validation for input fields Notify type based validation for input fields. 07 June 2022
TextField An easy-to-use text field validator for Kotlin & Jetpack compose An easy-to-use text field validator for Kotlin & Jetpack compose 21 December 2021
Jetpack Compose Simple app to demo making an accessible experience with textfields in jetpack compose Simple app to demo making an accessible experience with textfields in jetpack compose 14 December 2021
Text Custom edit text that allow only one language Custom edit text that allow only one language 29 November 2021
Proxy A Gradle plugin helps to proxy the all BuildConfig fields A Gradle plugin helps to proxy the all BuildConfig fields 06 October 2021
TextField Date text field with on the fly validation built with Jetpack Compose Date text field with on the fly validation built with Jetpack Compose 04 October 2021
Markdown Markdown Text for Android Jetpack Compose Markdown Text for Android Jetpack Compose 16 September 2021
TextField Field input with drawable and click listener for drawable Library for android, field input with drawable and click listener for drawable. 25 January 2021
TextField Android EditText designed to match Material Custom EditText which follows the latest Material guidelines with animated underline and custom error settings. 12 January 2021
TextField A simple way to format text fields without getting affected by input filters A simple way to format text fields without getting affected by input filters. 09 August 2020
TextField Same as an Outlined text fields presented in Material Design page but with some dynamic changes Same as an Outlined text fields presented in Material Design page but with some dynamic changes. 23 March 2020
TextField An EditText decorator inspired by the EditText fields An EditText decorator inspired by the EditText fields in Add New Contact screen of Google's Contact App. 12 February 2020
Input Library for pin entry input field Library for pin entry input field. The length of pin can be set dynamically. Also It have backspace delete support for input. 25 December 2019
TextField AppCompatEditText with auto formatting currencies AppCompatEditText with auto formatting currencies. 04 September 2019
Input Implementation of a Material Spinner for Android wich supports TextInputLayout functionalities MaterialSpinner aims to provide a Material Design Spinner. 18 June 2019
Validation Validation tools for EditText fields Validate EditText fields in a couple of lines, with custom, scalable validations. 17 December 2018
TextField A tool to validate text inside TextInputLayout A tool to validate text inside TextInputLayout. 26 September 2018
TextField A new Material Design text field that comes in a box Material Design text field that comes in a box, based on Google Material Design guidelines. 08 May 2018
Material Design A different beautiful Floating Edit Text MaterialTextField is A different beautiful Floating Edit Text. 27 August 2017