Compiler Compose stable markers to tell some guarantees to the compose compiler Compose stable markers to tell some guarantees to the compose compiler 27 July 2023
Compiler A Kotlin compiler plugin that addresses an APK size overhead from Kotlin data classes A Kotlin compiler plugin that addresses an APK size overhead from Kotlin data classes 12 March 2023
Compiler KSP Compiler plugin for protobuf generation from POJO KSP Compiler plugin for protobuf generation from POJO 10 March 2023
Compiler Kotlin compiler plugin for converting suspend functions to platform-compatible functions Kotlin compiler plugin for converting suspend functions to platform-compatible functions 19 September 2022
Kotlin A Kotlin compiler plugin for a compile-time indent trim of raw String A Kotlin compiler plugin for a compile-time indent trim of raw String 12 June 2022
Kotlin Kotlin compiler plugin generates support methods for use SaveStateHandle without constants and string variables Kotlin compiler plugin generates support methods for use SaveStateHandle without constants and string variables 02 May 2022
Gradle Gradle plugin to compile Kotlin to Python C API Gradle plugin to compile Kotlin to Python C API 24 April 2022
Glide Glide's ksp compiler ,use kotlin symbol processor Glide's ksp compiler ,use kotlin symbol processor 17 March 2022
Jetpack Compose Demonstrates using Compose with pre-releases of KotlinCompiler and ComposeCompiler Demonstrates using Compose with pre-releases of KotlinCompiler and ComposeCompiler 12 February 2022
Compiler A Kotlin to Dart compiler. The aim is to integrate Kotlin as a language A Kotlin to Dart compiler. The aim is to integrate Kotlin as a language 05 December 2021
Kotlin Kotlin compiler plugin that allows class delegation to be dynamic like property delegations Kotlin compiler plugin that allows class delegation to be dynamic like property delegations 03 December 2021
Compiler Simple system for building dialogue in Cepi Simple system for building dialogue in Cepi 24 October 2021
Jetpack Compose An experimental tool for building console UI in Kotlin using the Jetpack Compose compiler/runtime An experimental tool for building console UI in Kotlin using the Jetpack Compose compiler/runtime 16 September 2021
Kotlin A Kotlin compiler plugin that allows Java callers to pass in null for default parameterso A Kotlin compiler plugin that allows Java callers to pass in null for default parameterso 08 September 2021