Todo A sleek and efficient to-do list application that effortlessly organizes your daily activities A sleek and efficient to-do list application that effortlessly organizes your daily activities 05 January 2024
Todo An Android mobile application that enables users to manage their daily tasks An Android mobile application that enables users to manage their daily tasks 28 December 2023
CRUD A Simple CRUD application using Room local data persistent A Simple CRUD application using Room local data persistent 14 October 2023
Todo Simple to-do app with task categories and responsive UI made with Kotlin and Jetpack Compose Simple to-do app with task categories and responsive UI made with Kotlin and Jetpack Compose 30 September 2023
Todo An Android app can help you to organize your tasks by it's date and time you can insert task An Android app can help you to organize your tasks by it's date and time you can insert task 30 July 2023
Task Task manager for Android which can help you control and complete tasks in time Task manager for Android which can help you control and complete tasks in time 28 July 2023
Todo A simple To-Do application built using Jetpack Compose and Room DB for Android A simple To-Do application built using Jetpack Compose and Room DB for Android 26 July 2023
Todo An open-source notes and todos app written in Jetpack Compose An open-source notes and todos app written in Jetpack Compose 12 July 2023
Todo A to do app made with Firebase and RecyclerView A to do app made with Firebase and RecyclerView. 17 June 2023
Todo A ToDo Android app where a user can add ToDos, mark them as completed and delete ToDos A ToDo Android app where a user can add ToDos, mark them as completed and delete ToDos 02 June 2023
Trello A clone of Trello app built using Compose Multiplatform for Android A clone of Trello app built using Compose Multiplatform for Android 07 May 2023
Todo An Android ToDo App for personal and team tasks An Android ToDo App for personal and team tasks 05 May 2023
Todo Todo and habits app that built with clean architecture, MVVM and Modularization Todo and habits app that built with clean architecture, MVVM and Modularization 20 March 2023
Todo A simple todo list app built with Material 3 and Jetpack Compose A simple todo list app built with Material 3 and Jetpack Compose. 21 February 2023
Todo A simple To Do List app build to learn and explore Room database A simple To Do List app build to learn and explore Room database 25 January 2023
Todo A TODO list app with location reminders that remind the user to do something when the user is at a specific location A TODO list app with location reminders that remind the user to do something when the user is at a specific location 22 January 2023
Todo To Do App used to note tasks ToDo later and select priority built with Kotlin To Do App used to note tasks ToDo later and select priority built with Kotlin 18 December 2022
Todo A To-Do App where you can login to add, edit, and delete tasks A To-Do App where you can login to add, edit, and delete tasks 11 November 2022
Todo To Do List App is built in Kotlin using Material 3, Data Binding, Navigation Component Graphs To Do List App is built in Kotlin using Material 3, Data Binding, Navigation Component Graphs 23 September 2022
Todo A ToDo Notes app developed using Android / Kotlin A ToDo Notes app developed using Android / Kotlin 12 August 2022
Notes To do app is application for storing your notes To do app is application for storing your notes 30 July 2022
Todo A todo app made using Room database following MVVM architecture A todo app made using Room database following MVVM architecture 23 June 2022
Todo To-Do List using Fragments, MVVM, Live Data, Data Binding, Room Library To-Do List using Fragments, MVVM, Live Data, Data Binding, Room Library 18 June 2022
Todo A Todo list app with location reminders that remind the user to do something A Todo list app with location reminders that remind the user to do something 16 June 2022
Todo A to-do list application where you can add or delete tasks to be performed to a task list with an additional timer feature A to-do list application where you can add or delete tasks to be performed to a task list with an additional timer feature 06 June 2022
Todo Taskify - A mobile application used to create and schedule tasks in your TODO list Taskify - A mobile application used to create and schedule tasks in your TODO list 28 May 2022
Todo Todo application made with Jetpack Compose Todo application made with Jetpack Compose 08 May 2022
Todo ToDo App developed using XML in andriod studio ToDo App developed using XML in andriod studio 05 May 2022
Todo Sample ToDo application with MVVM architecture Sample ToDo application with MVVM architecture 19 March 2022
Todo A simple Android project that performs the basic database CRUD operations A simple Android project that performs the basic database CRUD operations 17 March 2022
MVVM MVVM To-Do List App with Flow and Architecture Components MVVM To-Do List App with Flow and Architecture Components 04 March 2022
Todo A simple ToDo application built from the ACM android dev task A simple ToDo application built from the ACM android dev task 23 February 2022
Todo A todo app that helps user to organize their task A todo app that helps user to organize their task 18 February 2022
Apps A sample demo app (two screen TODO list app) which has Clean Architecture with MVVM , UI built with Jetpack Compose A sample demo app (two screen TODO list app) which has Clean Architecture with MVVM , UI built with Jetpack Compose 16 February 2022
Kotlin Create a To Do List-style App from scratch and drive the entire development process using Kotlin Create a To Do List-style App from scratch and drive the entire development process using Kotlin 15 February 2022
Todo A sample todo list for android with compose , MVVM , Hilt ,Room , Lottie , Coroutins , Flow A sample todo list for android with compose , MVVM , Hilt ,Room , Lottie , Coroutins , Flow 13 February 2022
Todo A Todo list app with location reminders that remind the user to do something when he reaches a specific location A Todo list app with location reminders that remind the user to do something when he reaches a specific location 02 February 2022
Notes A demo todo/notes app which demonstrates the use of MVVM architecture, Navigation Component Library, Room Database, LiveData, Coroutines A demo todo/notes app which demonstrates the use of MVVM architecture, Navigation Component Library, Room Database, LiveData, Coroutines 19 January 2022