BottomBar Bottom dialog picker like telegram for all version of android Bottom dialog picker like telegram for all version of android 14 January 2024
BottomBar A simple bottom navigation with custom smooth slide animation library built in jetpack compose A simple bottom navigation with custom smooth slide animation library built in jetpack compose 16 October 2023
Navigation A navigation bar widget inspired on Google Bottom Navigation mixed with Chips component A navigation bar widget inspired on Google Bottom Navigation mixed with Chips component 03 June 2023
BottomBar Bottom navigation with kotlin using fragments Bottom navigation with kotlin using fragments 18 May 2023
BottomBar Liquid Bottom Navigation UI Design in Jetpack Compose Liquid Bottom Navigation UI Design in Jetpack Compose 22 March 2023
BottomBar Android Bottom Navigation Multiple Back-Stack Android Bottom Navigation Multiple Back-Stack 16 March 2023
BottomBar Android App demonstrating a way to create nested navigation graph Android App demonstrating a way to create nested navigation graph 11 March 2023
BottomBar Liquid Bottom Navigation UI Design in Jetpack Compose Liquid Bottom Navigation UI Design in Jetpack Compose 02 March 2023
BottomBar A fast lightweight android material bottom navigation bar library for Android and iOS A fast lightweight android material bottom navigation bar library for Android and iOS 13 December 2022
BottomBar Shadow Indicator Bottom Navigation View Android Shadow Indicator Bottom Navigation View Android 27 August 2022
Navigation Bottom Navigation in Jetpack Compose Android Bottom Navigation in Jetpack Compose Android 16 August 2022
BottomBar BottomSheetDialog wrapper for Jetpack Compose BottomSheetDialog wrapper for Jetpack Compose 02 July 2022
Discord A bot allows you to display some information about your v rising server on Discord A bot allows you to display some information about your v rising server on Discord 09 June 2022
Telegram A lightweight, feature-rich wrapper for the Telegram Bot API, providing a handy Kotlin DSL to quickly build your bot A lightweight, feature-rich wrapper for the Telegram Bot API, providing a handy Kotlin DSL to quickly build your bot. 30 May 2022
BottomBar An example of implementing bottom navigation with Compose Destinations Library An example of implementing bottom navigation with Compose Destinations Library 23 May 2022
Navigation A simple android library which helps you to create a curved bottom navigation A simple android library which helps you to create a curved bottom navigation 10 April 2022
Jetpack Compose Jetpack Compose Bottom Navigation Bar Jetpack Compose Bottom Navigation Bar 09 March 2022
Navigation Android Custom View for Scrollable BottomNavigationView Android Custom View for Scrollable BottomNavigationView 08 March 2022
Navigation Bottom Navigation Compose For Android Bottom Navigation Compose For Android 15 February 2022
BottomBar Bottom App Bar with Bottom Navigation in Jetpack compose Bottom App Bar with Bottom Navigation in Jetpack compose 13 January 2022
BottomBar A simple customizable BottomSheet Library for Android Kotlin A simple customizable BottomSheet Library for Android Kotlin 04 January 2022
BottomBar A library that you can use for bottom navigation bar. Written with Jetpack Compose A library that you can use for bottom navigation bar. Written with Jetpack Compose 23 December 2021
Navigation Navigation Drawer Bottom Navigation View Navigation Drawer Bottom Navigation View 18 December 2021
BottomBar BubbleTabBar is bottom navigation bar with customizable bubble like tabs BubbleTabBar is bottom navigation bar with customizable bubble like tabs 15 December 2021
Jetpack Compose New style for app design simple bottom navigation with side navigation drawer UI made in Jetpack Compose New style for app design simple bottom navigation with side navigation drawer UI made in Jetpack Compose 30 November 2021
BottomBar App consist of 4 main fragments accessable from bottom navigation App consist of 4 main fragments accessable from bottom navigation 21 November 2021
Navigation Expandable bottom navigation bar made with compose Expandable bottom navigation bar made with compose 20 November 2021
BottomBar Bottom NavBar Demo Using Jetpack Compose Bottom NavBar Demo Using Jetpack Compose 01 November 2021
Transitions Sample to grasp screen transition flow using Navigation and BottomNavigationView Sample to grasp screen transition flow using Navigation and BottomNavigationView 28 October 2021
Navigation A simple and material bottom navigation for Android written in Kotlin A simple and material bottom navigation for Android written in Kotlin 09 September 2021
Progress Long click progress animation button Long click button that loads an animation that fills it laterally. 17 May 2021
sheet Offering a range of beautiful bottom sheets with android Offering a range of beautiful bottom sheets for quick use in your project. 09 December 2020
BottomBar A lightweight Android bottom bar library A lightweight Android bottom bar library. 21 November 2020
BottomBar A customizable bottom bar library with curved animations Animated tabbar with native control. 20 September 2020
BottomBar Expandable Bottom Bar improve navigation in your app A new way to improve navigation in your app 11 May 2020
Navigation A navigation bar widget inspired on Google Bottom Navigation A navigation bar widget inspired on Google Bottom Navigation mixed with Chips component. 08 April 2020
BottomBar A customizable and easy to use BottomBar navigation view with sleek animations A customizable and easy to use bottom bar view with sleek animations. 16 March 2020
BottomBar A simple example of new Android component BottomNavigationView A simple example of new Android component BottomNavigationView. 26 February 2020
Navigation A lightweight Android material bottom navigation bar library A lightweight Android material bottom navigation bar library. 29 October 2019