Loading Shimmer and Shadow Loading Effect Animation with Jetpack Compose Shimmer and Shadow Loading Effect Animation with Jetpack Compose 11 October 2023
Effect A library to understand scratching gift and coupons like effect A library to understand scratching gift and coupons like effect 05 October 2023
Effect A view which creates an effect of falling snowflakes A view which creates an effect of falling snowflakes 25 July 2023
Effect ComposeLevitation: Empower your Android Compose UI with mesmerizing levitation effects ComposeLevitation: Empower your Android Compose UI with mesmerizing levitation effects 03 July 2023
Effect Explosive dust effect animation for your composables Explosive dust effect animation for your composables 23 February 2023
Location Xposed module which will set location where you want without effect mock location Xposed module which will set location where you want without effect mock location 25 August 2022
Drag A customisable card component that displays an emulated 3-D effect when touched and dragged A customisable card component that displays an emulated 3-D effect when touched and dragged 21 August 2022
TextView ShimmerTextView - A simple library to integrate shimmer effect in your TextView ShimmerTextView is a simple library to integrate shimmer effect in your TextView 30 July 2022
RecyclerView Useful Library to manage recycler view with shimmer Effect Useful Library to manage recycler view with shimmer Effect 26 June 2022
Jetpack Compose A Jetpack Compose library with blur, pixelate, and other effects to keep your designer happy A Jetpack Compose library with blur, pixelate, and other effects to keep your designer happy 07 May 2022
Loading A convenient library to show a shimmer effect while loading data A convenient library to show a shimmer effect while loading data. 04 April 2022
Jetpack Compose Example from effect Rain Matrix with Jetpack Compose Example from effect Rain Matrix with JetpackCompose 30 December 2021
MVVM Application created with MVVM, Retrofit, Coroutines, SWAPI and shimmer effect Application created with MVVM, Retrofit, Coroutines, SWAPI and shimmer effect 19 November 2021
Compose Explode compose elements on click, Just add explodeOnClick() modifier Explode compose elements on click, Just add explodeOnClick() modifier 12 November 2021
Kotlin Make your IDE play Wilhelm Scream effect when you are using unsafe operator in Kotlin Make your IDE play Wilhelm Scream effect when you are using unsafe operator in Kotlin 08 November 2021
Jetpack Compose Scratch Card Effect in Jetpack Compose Scratch Card Effect in Jetpack Compose 01 November 2021