
Useful Library to manage recycler view with shimmer Effect , progress bar and swipe to refresh

You can use it like :

   app:error_text="Something went wrong"
   app:refresh_button_text="Do Refresh"
   app:empty_text="No Data Found" />

Methods for Use Shimmer Loading :

 startShimmer() // start shimmer effect\n
 stopShimmer() // stop shimmer effect\n
 validateRecyclerViewData(size : Int) // to display empty text according to list size\n
 showError() or showError(error : String) //display error message with refresh button\n

Methods for Use ProgressBar Loading :

 startProgress() // start shimmer effect\n
 stopProgress() // stop shimmer effect\n
 validateRecyclerViewData(size : Int) // to display empty text according to list size\n
 showError() or showError(error : String) //display error message with refresh button\n

implement and set listener CustomRecyclerView.RecyclerViewEventListener

interface methods —-{

  •     fun onRefreshButtonClicked()
  •     fun onSwipeRefresh()


To get a Git project into your build:

Step 1. Add the JitPack repository to your build file

gradle maven sbt leiningen Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:

allprojects {
	repositories {
		maven { url '' }

Step 2. Add the dependency

dependencies {
        implementation 'com.github.rahuljpZignuts:Custom-Recycler-View:Tag'

That’s it…


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