Video A Lightweight Youtube video-aggregation/playlist app for Android A Lightweight Youtube video-aggregation/playlist app for Android 07 May 2023
News Displays latest US/France news via Built with Jetpack Compose Displays latest US/France news via Built with Jetpack Compose 06 May 2023
Currency Application that consist currency exchange on TCMB Application that consist currency exchange on TCMB 06 May 2023
Timer A Kotlin application that tells you your age in hours, minutes, seconds and milliseconds A Kotlin application that tells you your age in hours, minutes, seconds and milliseconds 06 May 2023
Clock An Android project built with Jetpack Compose to display a digital clock An Android project built with Jetpack Compose to display a digital clock 06 May 2023
Circular Pulsing Circle Animation for Jetpack Compose Pulsing Circle Animation for Jetpack Compose 06 May 2023
Generator Dating Course AI Generation Service Android Application Dating Course AI Generation Service Android Application 05 May 2023
Password An open-source and secure password manager An open-source and secure password manager 05 May 2023
Weather Weather app using OpenWeatherMap API with kotlin Weather app using OpenWeatherMap API with kotlin 05 May 2023
Apps A convenient and user-friendly mobile client for Bitbucket A convenient and user-friendly mobile client for Bitbucket 05 May 2023
Todo An Android ToDo App for personal and team tasks An Android ToDo App for personal and team tasks 05 May 2023
Movie Android native app in kotlin with one screen diplays list of popular movies Android native app in kotlin with one screen diplays list of popular movies 04 May 2023
Messenger A Messenger Application for Android with Easy Chatting A Messenger Application for Android with Easy Chatting 04 May 2023
Wrapper A thin wrapper around the Android Sensor APIs A thin wrapper around the Android Sensor APIs 04 May 2023
Gradle Remove Kotlin Coroutines DebugMetadata annotations from .class files Remove Kotlin Coroutines DebugMetadata annotations from .class files 04 May 2023
Apps A pet adoption app built with Jetpack Compose A pet adoption app built with Jetpack Compose 03 May 2023
Scanner Android app for scanning barcodes with the phone camera and sending them to a PC via bluetooth Android app for scanning barcodes with the phone camera and sending them to a PC via bluetooth 03 May 2023
Gradle A Gradle plugin for helping to modularise large Android codebases A Gradle plugin for helping to modularise large Android codebases 03 May 2023
Icon Building GTK tray icons with Kotlin made easy Building GTK tray icons with Kotlin made easy 03 May 2023
Weather Android weather app made with API, ActivityView, and second Activity Android weather app made with API, ActivityView, and second Activity 02 May 2023
Apps An Android application for plant disease detection An Android application for plant disease detection 02 May 2023
Apps An app that shows harry potter characters and their details An app that shows harry potter characters and their details 02 May 2023
Unsplash Unsplash Multiplatform built with Jetpack Compose Unsplash Multiplatform built with Jetpack Compose 02 May 2023
Gradle A template for creating a 1-2-1 bot with states using Kotlin and Gradle A template for creating a 1-2-1 bot with states using Kotlin and Gradle 01 May 2023
Video Show live previews of video content using Jetpack Compose for Android TV Show live previews of video content using Jetpack Compose for Android TV 01 May 2023
Monitoring A proof-of-concept experiment of Gradle build energy consumption monitoring A proof-of-concept experiment of Gradle build energy consumption monitoring 01 May 2023
Canvas An Android project built with Jetpack Compose to demonstrate canvas API usage An Android project built with Jetpack Compose to demonstrate canvas API usage 01 May 2023
Dialogs Progress Dialog Library will help you show customize dialog Progress Dialog Library will help you show customize dialog 30 April 2023
Swipe Compose utility to create a view swipeable Compose utility to create a view swipeable 30 April 2023
Launcher Feature rich android home with minimal look Feature rich android home with minimal look 30 April 2023
Pokedex App uses pokeapi to retrieve list of pokemons using pagination App uses pokeapi to retrieve list of pokemons using pagination 29 April 2023
Games Android kotlin version of chain fighter game Android kotlin version of chain fighter game 29 April 2023
Swipe Swipe able recycler view kotlin using swipe able layout library Swipe able recycler view kotlin using swipe able layout library 29 April 2023
Generator Suppress the generation of the copy() function in Kotlin's data class Suppress the generation of the copy() function in Kotlin's data class 29 April 2023
Color Convenience library aimed to blend your app theme colors with Material 3 dynamic colors system Convenience library aimed to blend your app theme colors with Material 3 dynamic colors system 29 April 2023
UI Meditation app UI built with Jetpack Compose Meditation app UI built with Jetpack Compose 29 April 2023
Onboarding A simple onboarding app that uses Jetpack Compose and Airbnb Lottie animation library A simple onboarding app that uses Jetpack Compose and Airbnb Lottie animation library 28 April 2023
AWS A library that makes upload to AWS S3 bucket fasteasy, without any issues with missing file extension A library that makes upload to AWS S3 bucket fasteasy, without any issues with missing file extension 28 April 2023
Movie A Movie application that implemented with Clean Architecture A Movie application that implemented with Clean Architecture 28 April 2023
Apps A simple application that consumes from an API a list of drinks A simple application that consumes from an API a list of drinks 28 April 2023