
Customizable dialog with auto generated pickers inside that depend on the dataset count.

Android dialog with auto generated pickers inside, which depends on count of datasets provided.



Download via Gradle:

compile 'com.github.stfalcon:universalpickerdialog:0.1.0'

or Maven:



Implement callback interface:

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity
        implements View.OnClickListener, UniversalPickerDialog.OnPickListener {

Then implement OnPickListener.onPick(int[], int) method:

public void onPick(int[] selectedValues, int key) {
    String str = list.get(selectedValues[0]);
    Object obj = array[selectedValues[0]];

    /*do some logic*/

Now you can build the dialog and show it. Just add these few lines:

new UniversalPickerDialog.Builder(this)
                        new UniversalPickerDialog.Input(0, list),
                        new UniversalPickerDialog.Input(2, array)

Data set is passing to Picker using Input class that supports lists as well as arrays, so no data conversion is required :)).
It takes in constructor default item position in carousel as the first argument and data set as the second.

Builder was extended by a many methods for more flexibility and convenience of use.
Here's the full list (you can find the javadoc on each of these methods):

new UniversalPickerDialog.Builder(this)
                        new UniversalPickerDialog.Input(2, list),
                        new UniversalPickerDialog.Input(0, array)
