Flow Simple Flow Manager with DSL for Kotlin Applications Simple Flow Manager with DSL for Kotlin Applications 03 December 2022
Apps Demo Application showing clean MVVM architecture, usage of Coroutines, Flows, List Adapter Demo Application showing clean MVVM architecture, usage of Coroutines, Flows, List Adapter 10 June 2022
Jetpack Compose Clean development app in kotlin with jetpack Compose State Flow and Hilt Clean development app in kotlin with jetpack Compose State Flow and Hilt 20 April 2022
Jetpack Compose A Simple Blog App using Jetpack Compose, Flow, Navigation Compose, Room and Firebase A Simple Blog App using Jetpack Compose, Flow, Navigation Compose, Room and Firebase 08 April 2022
Notes Note taking app using MVVVM architecture with Hilt, Material Motion, Coroutines, Flow, Jetpack (Room, ViewModel) Note taking app using MVVVM architecture with Hilt, Material Motion, Coroutines, Flow, Jetpack (Room, ViewModel) 22 March 2022
Websocket Android project that consumes data from a websocket. Built with MVVM, Kotlin Flow, Clean architecture Android project that consumes data from a websocket. Built with MVVM, Kotlin Flow, Clean architecture 10 March 2022
MVVM MVVM To-Do List App with Flow and Architecture Components MVVM To-Do List App with Flow and Architecture Components 04 March 2022
News News App Using Retrofit, OkHtpp, Caching, Navigation Component, Flows, RecyclerView News App Using Retrofit, OkHtpp, Caching, Navigation Component, Flows, RecyclerView 25 February 2022
Todo A sample todo list for android with compose , MVVM , Hilt ,Room , Lottie , Coroutins , Flow A sample todo list for android with compose , MVVM , Hilt ,Room , Lottie , Coroutins , Flow 13 February 2022
Spotify Flowbius provides interoperability extensions for using Kotlin Flows with Mobius Flowbius provides interoperability extensions for using Kotlin Flows with Mobius 11 February 2022
Apps Android application displaying EPL teams and their players using MVVM, Coroutines, Flow, Live Data, Retrofit, View Binding, Data Binding, Hilt e.t.c Android application displaying EPL teams and their players using MVVM, Coroutines, Flow, Live Data, Retrofit, View Binding, Data Binding, Hilt e.t.c 13 January 2022
MVVM A sample project that presents a modern approach to Android app development using MVVM architecture Android -MVVM-Jetpack Compose-Kotlin Flows-Dagger Hilt-Retrofilt2-Coil 07 January 2022
Retrofit Retrofit Flow Call Adapter Factory For Android Retrofit Flow Call Adapter Factory For Android 24 December 2021
Jetpack Compose Easy to use Overflow Menu for Jetpack Compose Easy to use Overflow Menu for Jetpack Compose 08 December 2021
clean architecture Android Clean Architecture That Screams (MVVM + JetPack Compose UI + Flow + State) Android Clean Architecture That Screams (MVVM + JetPack Compose UI + Flow + State) 03 December 2021
Kotlin Android multimodule project based on Kotlin, MVVM, SOLID, flow, coroutines and paging3 Android multimodule project based on Kotlin, MVVM, SOLID, flow, coroutines and paging3 02 December 2021
Apps App kotlin with flow, paging 3, MVVM, Room, Dagger hilt App kotlin with flow, paging 3, MVVM, Room, Dagger hilt 02 December 2021
MVVM Android application showcasing the MVVM architecture, Clean code using Kotlin, Coroutine, Flow and databinding Android application showcasing the MVVM architecture, Clean code using Kotlin, Coroutine, Flow and databinding 30 November 2021
Wallpaper Wallpaper app made using Hilt, Retrofit, Room, Navigation Components, MVI, Coroutines, Flows, ViewModel, LiveData, Datastore Preference Wallpaper app made using Hilt, Retrofit, Room, Navigation Components, MVI, Coroutines, Flows, ViewModel, LiveData, Datastore Preference 13 November 2021
Kotlin A complete Kotlin-stack application built to demonstrate the use of Modern development tools A complete Kotlin-stack application built to demonstrate the use of Modern development tools 11 November 2021
Recipes TzRecipes App With Retrofit,Coroutines,Flow TzRecipes App With Retrofit,Coroutines,Flow,ClenArchitecture 10 November 2021
Pokedex Android Pokedex-AR using ARCore, Sceneform, Hilt, Coroutines, Flow, Jetpack (Room, ViewModel, LiveData) based on MVVM architecture Android Pokedex-AR using ARCore, Sceneform, Hilt, Coroutines, Flow, Jetpack (Room, ViewModel, LiveData) based on MVVM architecture 09 November 2021
Apps Basic app to use different type of observables StateFlow, Flow, SharedFlow, LiveData Basic app to use different type of observables StateFlow, Flow, SharedFlow, LiveData 08 November 2021
Flow Sample demonstrates use of Flow, StateFlow & how we can test Flow Sample demonstrates use of Flow, StateFlow & how we can test Flow 25 October 2021
Jetpack Compose A demo movie app using Jetpack Compose and Hilt based on modern Android tech stacks A demo movie app using Jetpack Compose and Hilt based on modern Android tech stacks 08 October 2021
Multiplatform A simple MVI framework for Kotlin Multiplatform and Android A simple MVI framework for Kotlin Multiplatform and Android 07 October 2021
Gallery An simple image gallery app utilizing Unsplash API to showcase modern Android development architecture An simple image gallery app utilizing Unsplash API to showcase modern Android development architecture 07 October 2021
JeTrivia Built on a modern Android Development tech stack with MVVM architecture Built on a modern Android Development tech stack with MVVM architecture 14 September 2021