Kotlin suspend transform compiler plugin

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Kotlin compiler plugin for generating platform-compatible functions for suspend functions.


class Foo {
    suspend fun waitAndGet(): String {
        return "Hello"

compiled ?

class Foo {
    // Hide from Java
    suspend fun waitAndGet(): String {
        return "Hello"
    @Api4J // RequiresOptIn annotation, provide warnings to Kotlin
    fun waitAndGetBlocking(): String = runInBlocking { waitAndGet() } // 'runInBlocking' from the runtime provided by the plugin

    @Api4J // RequiresOptIn annotation, provide warnings to Kotlin
    fun waitAndGetAsync(): CompletableFuture<out String> = runInAsync { waitAndGet() } // 'runInAsync' from the runtime provided by the plugin


class Foo {
    suspend fun waitAndGet(): String {
        return "Hello"

compiled ?

class Foo {
    suspend fun waitAndGet(): String {
        return "Hello"
    @Api4Js // RequiresOptIn annotation, provide warnings to Kotlin
    fun waitAndGetBlocking(): Promise<String> = runInAsync { waitAndGet() } // 'runInBlocking' from the runtime provided by the plugin

JS platform target not supported yet. see: KT-53993



Way 1:


plugins { 
    kotlin("jvm") // or..?
    id("love.forte.plugin.suspend-transform") version "$PLUGIN_VERSION" 
    // other...

// other...

// config it.
suspendTransform {
    enabled = true // default: true

Way 2:


buildscript {
    repositories {
    dependencies {

plugins { 
    kotlin("jvm") // or..?
    // other...

// other...

// config it.
suspendTransform {
    enabled = true // default: true


Not supported yet.



import love.forte.plugin.suspendtrans.annotation.JvmAsync
import love.forte.plugin.suspendtrans.annotation.JvmBlocking

interface Foo {

    suspend fun name(): String

    suspend fun age(def: Int = 5): Int

    @JvmBlocking(asProperty = true)
    suspend fun self(): Foo

class FooImpl : Foo {
    suspend fun size(): Long = 666
    override suspend fun name(): String = "forte"
    override suspend fun age(def: Int): Int = def
    @JvmBlocking(asProperty = true) // must be 'asProperty=true'
    override suspend fun self(): FooImpl = this

class Bar {
    suspend fun bar(): String = ""

    suspend fun noTrans(): Int = 1


Simplified from decompiled results.

import love.forte.plugin.suspendtrans.annotation.JvmAsync
import love.forte.plugin.suspendtrans.annotation.JvmBlocking
import love.forte.plugin.suspendtrans.annotation.Generated
import love.forte.plugin.suspendtrans.annotation.Api4J
import kotlin.jvm.JvmSynthetic

interface Foo {
    val selfBlocking: Foo /* compiled code */

    suspend fun age(def: Int /* = compiled code */): Int

    fun ageAsync(def: Int /* = compiled code */): java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture<Int> { /* compiled code */ }

    fun ageBlocking(def: Int /* = compiled code */): Int { /* compiled code */ }

    suspend fun name(): String

    fun nameAsync(): java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture<out String> { /* compiled code */ }

    fun nameBlocking(): String { /* compiled code */ }

    suspend fun self(): Foo

    fun selfAsync(): java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture<out Foo> { /* compiled code */ }

class FooImpl : Foo {
    open val selfBlocking: FooImpl /* compiled code */

    open suspend fun age(def: Int): Int { /* compiled code */ }

    open fun ageAsync(def: Int): java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture<Int> { /* compiled code */ }

    open fun ageBlocking(def: Int): Int { /* compiled code */ }

    open suspend fun name(): String { /* compiled code */ }

    open fun nameAsync(): java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture<out String> { /* compiled code */ }

    open fun nameBlocking(): String { /* compiled code */ }

    suspend fun self(): FooImpl { /* compiled code */ }

    fun selfAsync(): java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture<out FooImpl> { /* compiled code */ }

    suspend fun size(): Long { /* compiled code */ }

    fun sizeAsync(): java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture<Long> { /* compiled code */ }

    fun sizeBlocking(): Long { /* compiled code */ }

class Bar {
    suspend fun bar(): String { /* compiled code */ }

    fun barAsync(): java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture<out String> { /* compiled code */ }

    fun barBlocking(): String { /* compiled code */ }

    fun noTrans(): Int { /* compiled code */ }


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