BottomSheet Advanced Jetpack Compose bottom sheet for segmented sizing and non-modal type Advanced Jetpack Compose bottom sheet for segmented sizing and non-modal type 07 December 2023
BottomSheet Customizable Material3 Modal Bottom Sheet that doesn't have issues with insets Customizable Material3 Modal Bottom Sheet that doesn't have issues with insets 13 May 2023
BottomSheet Android native bottom sheet on steroids Android native bottom sheet on steroids 20 January 2023
Picker An android bottom dialog picker for all version of android like telegram An android bottom dialog picker for all version of android like telegram 18 October 2022
BottomSheet BottomSheetDialogFragment with Callbacks to parent Fragment and transparent layer BottomSheetDialogFragment with Callbacks to parent Fragment and transparent layer 04 October 2022
BottomSheet Another BottomSheet in Jetpack Compose Another BottomSheet in Jetpack Compose. 06 June 2022
ContextMenu СontextMenu library based on BottomSheetDialog written in Kotlin СontextMenu library based on BottomSheetDialog written in Kotlin 01 May 2022
BottomBar A simple customizable BottomSheet Library for Android Kotlin A simple customizable BottomSheet Library for Android Kotlin 04 January 2022
Jetpack Compose Create a Bottom Sheet with Jetpack Compose Create a Bottom Sheet with Jetpack Compose 29 November 2021
BottomSheet Bottom Sheet fragment with a sticky header and a content recycler view Bottom Sheet fragment with a sticky header and a content recycler view 20 November 2021
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BottomSheet A sample implementation Compose BottomSheet with animation different states A sample implementation Compose BottomSheet with animation different states 16 September 2021
BottomSheet Implementing bottom navigation in jetpack compose Implementing bottom navigation in jetpack compose 14 September 2021
Spinner Spinner with bottom sheet dialog for Android Spinner with bottom sheet dialog for Android. 04 May 2021