
Android Intent & Bundle extensions that insert and retrieve values elegantly.

Including in your project

Download Maven Central Jitpack


Add below codes to your root build.gradle file (not your module build.gradle file).

allprojects {
    repositories {

And add a dependency code to your module's build.gradle file.

dependencies {
    implementation "com.github.skydoves:bundler:1.0.2"



intentOf is an expression for creating an Intent using Kotlin DSL style and we can put extras using the putExtra method. Also, we can put extras using the + keyword in front of a key/value pair.

val intent = intentOf {
    putExtra("posterId", poster.id) // put a Long type 'posterId' value.
    putExtra("posterName" to poster.name) // put a String type 'posterName' value.
    putExtra("poster", poster) // put a Parcelable type 'poster' value.

    +("id" to userInfo.id) // put a Long type 'id' value.
    +("name" to userInfo.nickname) // put a String type 'name' value.
    -"name" // remove a String type 'name' value.


We can start activities using the intentOf expression like below.

intentOf<SecondActivity> {
    putExtra("id" to userInfo.id)
    putExtra("name" to userInfo.nickname)
    putExtra("poster", poster)

We can also use other options for creating an intent.

intentOf {


bundle is an expression for initializing lazily extra values from the intent.

class SecondActivity : AppCompatActivity() {

  private val id: Long by bundle("id", -1) // initializes a Long extra value lazily.
  private val name: String by bundle("name", "") // initializes a String extra value lazily.
  private val poster: Poster? by bundle("poster") // initializes a Parcelable extra value lazily.

  // -- stubs -- //

We can initialize a Parcelable value with a defaut value.

private val poster: Poster? by bundle("poster") { Poster.create() }

Also, we can initialize type of Array and ArrayList using bundleArray and bundleArrayList expression.

// initialize lazily without default values.
private val posterArray by bundleArray<Poster>("posterArray")
private val posterListArray by bundleArrayList<Poster>("posterArrayList")


// initialize lazily with default values.
private val posterArray by bundleArray<Poster>("posterArray") { arrayOf() }
private val posterListArray by bundleArrayList<Poster>("posterArrayList") { arrayListOf() }


The below example shows setting arguments using the intentOf expression.

arguments = intentOf {
    +("id" to userInfo.id)
    +("name" to userInfo.nickname)
    +("poster" to poster)

We can initialize argument values lazily in Fragments using the bundle expression like below.

- val id: Long = arguments?.getLong("id", -1) ?: -1
+ val id: Long by bundle("id", -1)
- val poster: Poster? = arguments?.getParcelable("poster")
+ val poster: Poster? by bundle("poster")
