
A sql_conn is a plugin for connecting Flutter Android application to SQL Server.

This library aims to provide an easy to use interface to SQL Server.
Easily read data from SQL Database. Perform CURD as well as many other operation on database using this plugin.

Platform Support

Android iOS
✔️ ❌️


Connect to the database

await SqlConn.connect(
        ip: "",
        port: "1433",
        databaseName: "MyDatabase",
        username: "admin123",
        password: "Pass@123");

Execute a query with parameters:

To read data from database

var res = await SqlConn.readData("SELECT * FROM tableName");
    // results are in list in json format

To edit database (Queries such as Insert, Delete, Create and many more)

 var res = await SqlConn.writeData(query);
    // returns true is executed successfully

Disconnect from database


To check if application is connected to database



The plugin is still in development and there might be some bugs.
If you encounter any problems feel free to open an issue.
If you feel the library is missing a feature, please raise a ticket on Github.
Pull request are also welcome.


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