ListView A library addresses performance concerns and resolves issues commonly faced in Compose LazyList implementations A library addresses performance concerns and resolves issues commonly faced in Compose LazyList implementations 03 January 2024
ListView A simple application that displays a list of postal shipments and their status A simple application that displays a list of postal shipments and their status 31 May 2023
ListView App shows a list of beers from punkapi.api App shows a list of beers from punkapi.api 08 May 2023
ListView Tournament style tier lists. Built with MongoDB, Kotlin and React Tournament style tier lists. Built with MongoDB, Kotlin and React 18 April 2023
ListView A simple app to manage several lists from only one screen A simple app to manage several lists from only one screen 28 March 2023
Notes Android app for managing notes and organizing them in lists Android app for managing notes and organizing them in lists 07 March 2023
ListView Smooth animation with Expandable Listview Smooth animation with Expandable Listview 08 February 2023
ListView Custom ListView in android using Kotlin Custom ListView in android using Kotlin 16 September 2022
Shop Shopping list App with Clean Architecture, ViewModel, LiveData, RecyclerView Shopping list App with Clean Architecture, ViewModel, LiveData, RecyclerView 15 May 2022
ListView AssignmentListView - An Android ListView widget which calculate image loading times AssignmentListView - An Android ListView widget which calculate image loading times 22 March 2022
Text A single fixed-height row that contains some text as well as a leading or trailing icon A single fixed-height row that contains some text as well as a leading or trailing icon 01 March 2022
ListView An Android Library that's implemented in compose to help you to build a List with some features An Android Library that's implemented in compose to help you to build a List with some features 22 February 2022
List / Grid Persons cards list viewpager using kotlin Persons cards list viewpager using kotlin 23 January 2022
List / Grid A Jetpack Compose (Desktop) modifier enabling reordering in a LazyList A Jetpack Compose (Desktop) modifier enabling reordering in a LazyList 14 January 2022
Notes Note app that allows user to save/edit/delete/search any type of notes and view them in a list Note app that allows user to save/edit/delete/search any type of notes and view them in a list 26 December 2021
ListView KMM StoreList App (Kotlin Multiplaform Mobile) KMM StoreList App (Kotlin Multiplaform Mobile) 18 November 2021
RecyclerView Expandable Recyclerview makes it easy to integrate nested recyclerview Expandable Recyclerview makes it easy to integrate nested recyclerview 12 November 2021
RecyclerView The App Loads list of popular movies from a mock API and shows in a recyclerView The App Loads list of popular movies from a mock API and shows in a recyclerView 31 October 2021
ListView An operation that shifts each element of the list to the right An operation that shifts each element of the list to the right 29 October 2021
Jetpack Compose A Jetpack Compose modifier enabling reordering in a LazyList A Jetpack Compose modifier enabling reordering in a LazyList 04 October 2021
Animations POC of how you can animate LazyColumn insertions/deletions/moving POC of how you can animate LazyColumn insertions/deletions/moving 04 October 2021
ListView An abnormal horizontal ListView-like pile layout with stretch and contraction effects An abnormal horizontal ListView-like pile layout. 26 May 2018
Layout An Android Widget for selecting items that rotate on a wheel CursorWheelLayout is an Android library that allows view to be placed on a rotatable wheel. 24 May 2018
Layout A customized LayoutManager - fade and shrink the head itemView when scrolling a customized LayoutManager - fade and shrink the head itemView when scrolling. 20 May 2018
RecyclerView Simple approach for implementation complex lists based on RecyclerView This project demonstrates simple approach for implementation complex lists, based on RecyclerView. 16 May 2018
ListView Android library that implements a table with fixed headers TableFixHeaders is an Android widget to display tables with headers. 10 May 2018
ListView A dragable ListView for Android used for reorder your datas A dragable ListView for Android, used for reorder your datas. 10 May 2018
ListView Implementation of List Item from Material Design Implementation of List Item from Material Design guidelines. 10 May 2018