This is an Android Library that’s implemented in compose to help you to build a List with some features.
Step1: settings.gradle
repositories {
maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
Step2: add the dependency
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.MshariAlsayari:Easy-List-Compose:3.0.0'
There are three types of a List Vertical, Horizontal and Grid.
In the vertical list you can make items swappable by adding list of Action onStart or onEnd
* text - a composable text.
* icon - a composable icon c.
* onClicked - calback to handle onClick.
* actionSize - action size default is 56.
data class Action<T>(
val text: (@Composable () -> Unit)? = null,
val icon: (@Composable () -> Unit)? = null,
val onClicked: ((position: Int, item: T) -> Unit)? = null,
val actionSize: Dp = ACTION_ICON_SIZE.dp
* modifier - the modifier to apply to this layout.
* list - list of data.
* views - the data view holder.
* onItemClicked - callback when the swappable item's been clicked
* onItemCollapsed - callback when the swappable item's been collapsed
* onItemExpanded - callback when the swappable item's been expanded
* dividerView - (optional) divider between items.
* emptyView - (optional) emptyview if the list is empty.
* startActions - list of actions if it is empty no swipe (3 items at most).
* endActions - list of actions if it is empty no swipe (3 items at most).
* startActionBackgroundColor - background color of the list of the start actions.
* endActionBackgroundColor - background color of the list of the end actions.
* actionBackgroundRadiusCorner - radius corner for both start background and end background actions.
* actionBackgroundHeight - height of the actions background.
* isRefreshing - show progress of the swipeRefreshLayout.
* onRefresh - (optional) callback when the swipeRefreshLayout swapped if null the list will wrapped without the swipeRefreshLayout .
* paddingBetweenItems - padding between items default is 8f.
* paddingVertical - padding on top and bottom of the whole list default is 0.
* paddingHorizontal - padding on left and right of the whole list default is 0.
* scrollTo - scroll to item default is 0.
fun <T> VerticalEasyList(
modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
list: List<T>,
views: @Composable LazyItemScope.(item: T) -> Unit,
onItemClicked: (item: T, position: Int) -> Unit,
onItemCollapsed: ((item: T, position: Int) -> Unit)? = null,
onItemExpanded: ((item: T, position: Int, type: ActionRowType) -> Unit)? = null,
dividerView: (@Composable () -> Unit)? = null,
emptyView: (@Composable () -> Unit)? = null,
startActions: List<Action<T>> = listOf(),
endActions: List<Action<T>> = listOf(),
startActionBackgroundColor: Color = Color.Transparent,
endActionBackgroundColor: Color = Color.Transparent,
actionBackgroundRadiusCorner: Float = 0f,
actionBackgroundHeight: Float = ACTION_HEIGHT,
isRefreshing: Boolean = false,
onRefresh: (() -> Unit)? = null,
paddingBetweenItems: Float = PADDING_BETWEEN_ITEMS,
paddingVertical: Float = PADDING_VERTICAL,
paddingHorizontal: Float = PADDING_HORIZONTAL,
scrollTo: Int = 0,
* modifier - the modifier to apply to this layout.
* list - list of data.
* views - the data view holder.
* dividerView - (optional) divider between items.
* emptyView - (optional) emptyview if the list is empty.
* paddingBetweenItems - padding between items default is 8f.
* paddingVertical - padding on top and bottom of the whole list default is 0.
* paddingHorizontal - padding on left and right of the whole list default is 0.
* scrollTo - scroll to item default is 0.
fun <T> HorizontalEasyList(
modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
list: List<T>,
views: @Composable LazyItemScope.(item: T) -> Unit,
emptyView: (@Composable () -> Unit)? = null,
dividerView: (@Composable () -> Unit)? = null,
paddingBetweenItems: Float = PADDING_BETWEEN_ITEMS,
paddingVertical: Float = PADDING_VERTICAL,
paddingHorizontal: Float = PADDING_HORIZONTAL,
scrollTo: Int = 0,
* modifier - the modifier to apply to this layout.
* list - list of data.
* views - the data view holder.
* dividerView - (optional) divider between items.
* emptyView - (optional) emptyview if the list is empty.
* actionBackgroundHeight - height of the actions background.
* isRefreshing - show progress of the swipeRefreshLayout.
* onRefresh - (optional) callback when the swipeRefreshLayout swapped if null the list will wrapped without the swipeRefreshLayout .
* paddingBetweenItems - padding between items default is 8f.
* paddingVertical - padding on top and bottom of the whole list default is 0.
* paddingHorizontal - padding on left and right of the whole list default is 0.
* scrollTo - scroll to item default is 0.
* columnCount - number of columns default is 2
fun <T> GridEasyList(
modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
list: List<T>,
views: @Composable (LazyItemScope.(item: T) -> Unit),
emptyView: @Composable (() -> Unit)? = null,
paddingBetweenItems: Float = PADDING_BETWEEN_ITEMS,
paddingVertical: Float = PADDING_VERTICAL,
paddingHorizontal: Float = PADDING_HORIZONTAL,
columnCount: Int = COLUMN_COUNT,
isRefreshing: Boolean = false,
onRefresh: (() -> Unit)? = null,
scrollTo: Int = 0,