Kotlin Creating a Reminders and Tasks App with Kotlin Creating a Reminders and Tasks App with Kotlin 09 November 2021
Apps Finder Job simple app using (Retrofit , Dagger hilt , coroutines , navigation components) Finder Job simple app using (Retrofit , Dagger hilt , coroutines , navigation components) 09 November 2021
Movie Proyect with the goal to show my skills in android Proyect with the goal to show my skills in android 08 November 2021
Navigation A Simple App to implement Navigation Architecture Component A Simple App to implement Navigation Architecture Component 08 November 2021
Calculator Calculator Application built on Android Studio with Kotlin Calculator Application built on Android Studio with Kotlin 08 November 2021
Apps An app which displays questions from Stack Exchange from it's api An app which displays questions from Stack Exchange from it's api 08 November 2021
Apps Simple quote app using MVVM, Retrofit, Coroutines and Dagger Hilt simple quote app using MVVM, Retrofit, Coroutines and Dagger Hilt 08 November 2021
Apps Basic app to use different type of observables StateFlow, Flow, SharedFlow, LiveData Basic app to use different type of observables StateFlow, Flow, SharedFlow, LiveData 08 November 2021
Tracker Simple app to locally track your public transport trips Simple app to locally track your public transport trips 08 November 2021
Apps Application includes Admob SDK, In-App Messaging, Crashlytics, Lottie, Flurry Application includes Admob SDK, In-App Messaging, Crashlytics, Lottie, Flurry 07 November 2021
Apps Tinkering with a mobile app idea to display RL esports information Tinkering with a mobile app idea to display RL esports information 07 November 2021
Kotlin Udacity Free course: Developing Android Apps with Kotlin Udacity Free course: Developing Android Apps with Kotlin 07 November 2021
Apps A simple app that shows the origin of the word we search A simple app that shows the origin of the word we search 07 November 2021
ViewModel A simple demo app using ViewModel & LiveData with Retrofit, Glide and Moshi in Kotlin A simple demo app using ViewModel & LiveData with Retrofit, Glide and Moshi in Kotlin 07 November 2021
Apps Android-application used as an introduction to Android development and Android APIs Android-application used as an introduction to Android development and Android APIs 07 November 2021
Tool A tool that gives you a massive head start when building Compose based apps A tool that gives you a massive head start when building Compose based apps 05 November 2021
comic ComicsShow app: Display comics and search for any favourites one ComicsShow app: Display comics and search for any favourites one 05 November 2021
Apps App uses the TMDB in order to provide a list of movies, artists and TV shows App uses the TMDB in order to provide a list of movies, artists and TV shows 05 November 2021
Movie Android Application built using MVVM + Retrofit + Hilt + Clean + Room to shown several movies from The Movie DB platform Android Application built using MVVM + Retrofit + Hilt + Clean + Room to shown several movies from The Movie DB platform 05 November 2021
Apps A freelance app for diet recommendation A freelance app for diet recommendation 05 November 2021
Apps An application for converting between units An application for converting between units 05 November 2021
Apps Learning Fundamentals Android Application Class from Dicoding Indonesia Learning Fundamentals Android Application Class from Dicoding Indonesia 05 November 2021
Apps Bitcoin Market app shows you the current Bitcoin market price and price chart of different time intervals Bitcoin Market app shows you the current Bitcoin market price and price chart of different time intervals 05 November 2021
Apps This app connects to an API to display random dog photos to the end user This app connects to an API to display random dog photos to the end user 04 November 2021
machine learning An android app which runs along with a ML Model which detect whether a person is wearing mask or not An android app which runs along with a ML Model which detect whether a person is wearing mask or not 04 November 2021
Kotlin Library to use Kotlin Coroutines from Swift code in KMP apps Library to use Kotlin Coroutines from Swift code in KMP apps 04 November 2021
Chat A sample chat app built with Jetpack Compose A sample chat app built with Jetpack Compose 03 November 2021
Architecture Brief description of the app architecture Brief description of the app architecture 03 November 2021
QR Code A simple qrcode scan application with kotlin A simple qrcode scan application with kotlin 03 November 2021
Apps App to randomly translate word through different languages App to randomly translate word through different languages 02 November 2021
Apps The App shows PR of Github Open Projects The App shows PR of Github Open Projects 02 November 2021
Apps A simple Cat search app by it's breed name, using MVVM clean Architecture A simple Cat search app by it's breed name, using MVVM clean Architecture 01 November 2021
Movie A simple movie app built using leanback A simple movie app, built using leanback 01 November 2021
News A modern news android app which features virtually ALL recent and recommended android development tech stack A modern news android app which features virtually ALL recent and recommended android development tech stack 01 November 2021
Apps An android application which uses HBO's Silicon Valley data (Mockable.io) for listing TV show episodes An android application which uses HBO's Silicon Valley data (Mockable.io) for listing TV show episodes 01 November 2021
Apps Display's information about SpaceX crew members and ships by consuming a rest api and storing the data to display when the user is offline Display's information about SpaceX crew members and ships by consuming a rest api and storing the data to display when the user is offline 01 November 2021
Apps A multi module app, for improve knowledges A multi module app, for improve knowledges 01 November 2021
Apps Android application to perfectly cook your eggs Android application to perfectly cook your eggs 01 November 2021
Apps An application that simulate the Swedish Transport Agency, implemented with Spring Boot, Kotlin and GraphQL An application that simulate the Swedish Transport Agency, implemented with Spring Boot, Kotlin and GraphQL 01 November 2021
RESTApi A simple app that loads information from REST API to show one approach to using some of the best practices A simple app that loads information from REST API to show one approach to using some of the best practices 31 October 2021