
A library for simple implementation of smart ranking. The user will see a dialog every x time. If the user gives a high score, he will be transferred to the Google store. If he gives a low score, he will only receive a thank you toast message.


Step 1. Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:

allprojects {
    repositories {
	maven { url '' }

Step 2. Add the dependency:

dependencies {
	        implementation 'com.github.guy-4444:SmartRateUsDialog-Android:1.00.02'


StepProgress Constructor:

    // For one time call
            , "Rate Us"
            , "Tell others what you think about this app"
            , "Continue"
            , "Close"
            , "Thanks for the feedback"
            , Color.parseColor("#2196F3")
            , 4

    // For continual calls - 
                , "Rate Us" // title - optional
                , "Tell others what you think about this app" // content - optional
                , "Continue" // OK button text - optional
                , "Ask me later" // later button text - optional
                , "Never ask again" // stop asking button text - optional
                , "Thanks for the feedback" // thanks message to low star users - optional
                , Color.parseColor("#2196F3") // dialog theme color
                , 4 // open google play from _ stars  1..5 - optional
		, 48 // time between calls (unit: Hours) - default is 6 days
		, 72 // Time to wait until you start asking for the first time (unit: Hours) - default is 3 days

