Bookstore App by using Kotlin
This Project is made using Kotlin, and it uses main concepts of API, Databases, Fragments and many more. This Application is a project in Internshala Android Development Training. This can be an app that can showcase the working of API and many more Libraries
Concepts Used
Different Layouts and Views: Card Views, Coordinator layouts, Relative and Linear Layouts.
Fragments: Used for navigation through the app as a substitute for Activities which has more Advantage to it.
Databases: For Storing the Books fetched from the API
Libraries: Various Android Libraries. From font to connectivity Libraries
API: The book store API that the books are fetched from
- Navigation Drawer
- Books fetched from API
- Connectivity
- Add to Favourites
- Data Settings when data isn’t available
? About Me
I’m an Android and Web developer. I have an Intermediate to Advanced skills in Developing Websites and Android Applications. I am currently getting started posting my Projects on github
? Links
? Skills
Javascript, HTML, CSS, Kotlin, XML, MySQL, Python, C, Java, React, and others.
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