Gradle A gradle plugin to optimize built jars through individual file optimizations and increased compression A gradle plugin to optimize built jars through individual file optimizations and increased compression 28 April 2022
Kotlin Kotlin-optimized version of the Highlight library, a complete and performing library to highlight text snippets Kotlin-optimized version of the Highlight library, a complete and performing library to highlight text snippets 20 January 2022
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Cache Keep data as a linked list on disk,A alternative way to reduce redundant operation for DiskLruCache Keep data as a linked list on disk,A alternative way to reduce redundant operation for DiskLruCache 13 November 2021
Optimizations An easy to use graphical chia plot manager & optimizer for windows, mac & linux An easy to use graphical chia plot manager & optimizer for windows, mac & linux 12 November 2021
Kotlin Most memory efficient set implementation with optimizations for various data types Most memory efficient set implementation with optimizations for various data types 19 October 2021