Android Ruler Picker

Android custom view that uses ruler for picking the number from given range.


Sample 1 Sample 2
ruler-view-profile-demo-small ruler-view-demo-small


  • Easy to integrate. All you have to do is add the view into your XML and listen for the value changes.
  • Highly customizable. Change width, height, color, distance between indicators. Change the color and sze of the texts in the ruler in XML or dynamically from your java or kotlin code.
  • Extremely lightweight ?.

How to use this library?

  • Gradle dependency:

    • Add below dependency into your build.gradle file.
      compile 'com.kevalpatel2106:ruler-picker:1.0'
    • For other build systems see
  • Add RulerValuePicker inside your XML layout.


  • Library provides XML attributes to customize the RulerValuePicker or you can customize it dynamically using Java/Kotlin code.
Attribute Type Java/Kotlin Description
indicator_color Color setIndicatorColor() Change the color of the indicator in the ruler.
indicator_interval Dimensions setIndicatorIntervalDistance() Change the distance between two indicators in the ruler.
indicator_width Dimensions setIndicatorWidth() Change the width (thickness) of the indicator.
notch_color Color setNotchColor() Change the color off the notch at the top of the ruler.
ruler_text_size Dimensions setTextSize() Change the size of the text that displays the values in the ruler.
ruler_text_color Color setTextColor() Change the color of the text that displays the values in the ruler.
long_height_height_ratio Fraction setIndicatorHeight() Change the height of the long indicator. The value is between 0 to 1 where 1 indicates the height of the ruler. This value must be greater than or equal to long_height_height_ratio.
short_height_height_ratio Fraction setIndicatorHeight() Change the height of the short indicator. The value is between 0 to 1 where 1 indicates the height of the ruler. This value must be less than or equal to short_height_height_ratio.
max_value Integer setMinMaxValue() Maximum possible value to display in the ruler. This value must be greater than min_value.
min_value Integer setMinMaxValue() Minimum possible value to display in the ruler. This value must be greater than max_value.
  • Set the initially selected value.
rulerValuePicker.selectValue(55 /* Initial value */);
  • Set up a RulerValuePickerListener callback listener to get notify when the selected value changes. Application will receive the final selected value in onValueChange() callback.


rulerValuePicker.setValuePickerListener(new RulerValuePickerListener() {
    public void onValueChange(final int selectedValue) {
        //Value changed and the user stopped scrolling the ruler.
        //Application can consider this value as final selected value.

    public void onIntermediateValueChange(final int selectedValue) {
        //Value changed but the user is still scrolling the ruler.
        //This value is not final value. Application can utilize this value to display the current selected value.


rulerValuePicker.setValuePickerListener(object : RulerValuePickerListener {
    override fun onValueChange(value: Int) {
        //Value changed and the user stopped scrolling the ruler.
        //You can consider this value as final selected value.

    override fun onIntermediateValueChange(selectedValue: Int) {
        //Value changed but the user is still scrolling the ruler.
        //This value is not final value. You can utilize this value to display the current selected value.
