Audio File Manager

This library allows you to manage Albums, Artists, Playlists, Genre and Audio Items that are under the MediaStore.Audio collection without having to deal with content resolvers or anything along those lines.

Gettting Started

Before you get started, take a look at a working example of this library Here.


allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url "" }
dependencies {
    implementation 'com.github.LebogangBantsijang:Audio-File-Manager:1.0.8'



  • Before you start ensure that you have permission to read or write to enternal storage. Guide


How to get Audio and Album information from the external storage

AudioManager audioManger = new AudioManager(context);
audioManger.registerCallbacks(new AudioCallbacks(){
    public void onQueryComplete(List<Audio> audioList){
    //use data
}, lifecycleOwner);

AlbumManager albumManager = new AlbumManager(context);
albumManager.registerCallbacks(new AlbumCallbacks(){
    public void onQueryComplete(List<Album> albumList){
    //use data
}, lifecycleOwner);

Alternatively you can do the following:

AudioManager audioManger = new AudioManager(context);
List<Audio> list = audioManger.getAudio();

AlbumManager albumManager = new AlbumManager(context);
List<Album> list = albumManager.getAlbums();

The library has: -

  • ArtistManager
  • PlaylistManager
  • GenreManager
  • AlbumManager
  • AudioManager

Video Tutorial


  • Minimum Android SDK: Audio-File-Manager v4 requires a minimum API level of 21.
