Aesthetic Dialogs for Android
?Android Library to implement custom, ?beautiful, ?stylish Dialog in android apps easily.
AestheticDialogs is a library that provides beautiful and custom Dialog inspired by Laravel Notify.
Types of Dialog
AestheticDialog At this moment, library provides six types of dialog i.e.
1. Flash Dialog | 2. Connectify Dialog | 3. Toaster Dialog |
1. Emotion Dialog | 2. Drake Dialog | 3. Emoji Dialog |
Implementation of Material Dialog library is so easy. You can check /app directory for demo. Let's have look on basic steps of implementation.
i. Gradle
Add it in your root build.gradle
at the end of repositories:
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url "" }
Step 2. Add the dependency
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.gabriel-TheCode:AestheticDialogs:1.0.0'
Create Dialog
AestheticDialog.showFlashDialog(this, "Your dialog Title", "Your message", AestheticDialog.SUCCESS);
AestheticDialog.showFlashDialog(this, "Your dialog Title", "Your message", AestheticDialog.ERROR);
AestheticDialog.showConnectify(this,"Your message", AestheticDialog.SUCCESS);
AestheticDialog.showConnectify(this, "Your message", AestheticDialog.ERROR);
AestheticDialog.showToaster(this, "Your dialog Title", "Your message", AestheticDialog.ERROR);
AestheticDialog.showToaster(this, "Your dialog Title", "Your message", AestheticDialog.SUCCESS);
AestheticDialog.showToaster(this, "Your dialog Title", "Your message", AestheticDialog.WARNING);
AestheticDialog.showToaster(this, "Your dialog Title", "Your message", AestheticDialog.INFO);
Drake :
AestheticDialog.showDrake(this, AestheticDialog.SUCCESS);
AestheticDialog.showDrake(this, AestheticDialog.ERROR);
Emoji :
AestheticDialog.showEmoji(this,"Your dialog Title", "Your message", AestheticDialog.SUCCESS);
AestheticDialog.showEmoji(this, "Your dialog Title", "Your message", AestheticDialog.ERROR);
Emotion :
AestheticDialog.showEmotion(this,"Your dialog Title", "Your message", AestheticDialog.SUCCESS);
AestheticDialog.showEmotion(this, "Your dialog Title", "Your message", AestheticDialog.ERROR);
You can download the demo app on PlayStore