SimpleGenericAdapter is an Android library that helps developers to easily create a Recyclerview Adapter without repeatedly building any adapter boilerplate.
- Support Scroll Item Animation
- Add Drag & Drop feature
- Create UI Module to bind item data
- Create UI Module for Empty state
- Create UI Module for Paging
- Support OnItemClickListener
How to use it?
On your module's build.gradle
file add this implementation statement to the dependencies
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.trieulh-ict:SimpleGenericAdapter:x.x.x'
Also make sure that Project module includes jitpack
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url '' }
Create Modules
- Implement an Item Module using
class should implementDiffable
class AdvertisementModule : ItemModule<Advertisement>() {
override val layoutRes: Int = R.layout.item_ad
override val viewType: Int = ItemType.ADVERTISEMENT.value
override fun onBind(item: Advertisement, holder: SimpleViewHolder) {
holder.itemView.findViewById<AppCompatTextView>( = item.content
override fun isModule(item: Diffable): Boolean {
return item is Advertisement
- Implement an Empty Module using
class EmployeeEmptyModule : EmptyModule() {
override val layoutRes: Int = R.layout.item_no_employee
override fun onBind(holder: SimpleViewHolder) {
//Do nothing now
- Create adapter and attach to your reyclerview:
adapter = SimpleGenericAdapter.Builder()
- You can create Paging module by defining a class or using anonymous object:
adapter = SimpleGenericAdapter.Builder()
.addPagingModule(object : PagingModule() {
override fun withVisibleThreshold(): Int = 3
override val layoutRes: Int = R.layout.item_loading_employee
override fun onLoadMore(currentPage: Int) {
//Load new Data and add to adapter using `adapter.setItems()`
override fun onBind(holder: SimpleViewHolder) {
//Do nothing now
- Currently the library only support OnItemClickerListener:
adapter = SimpleGenericAdapter.Builder()
.addItemModule(EmployeeModule().addOnItemSelectedListener(object : OnItemSelectedListener<Employee> {
override fun onItemSelected(position: Int, item: Employee) {
Toast.makeText(this@MainActivity, "${}", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
Scroll Animation
- Now support 4 default animations
adapter = SimpleGenericAdapter.Builder()
- Or you can create and add your own custom animation xml:
adapter = SimpleGenericAdapter.Builder()
Drag and Drop Item
- Activate Drag and Drop by setting mode
adapter = SimpleGenericAdapter.Builder()
means you can long press the whole item to drag and drop:
means you can choose which view part of ViewHolder to handle Dragging
- To enable it, set mode to
adapter = SimpleGenericAdapter.Builder()
- In ItemModule, Set view part:
override fun onBind(item: Employee, holder: SimpleViewHolder) {
In the future
The library is still under development,so you can suggest more feature by committing issues to this repository.