An Android Compose component which supports refreshing and loading more data.
Step 1
Add the JitPack repository to your build file
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url '' }
Step 2
Add the dependency
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.wenhaiz:ComposeRefreshLayout:{latest_version}'
Step 3
Use it in your Compose content.
import com.dsbt.lib.composerefreshlayout.RefreshLayout
import com.dsbt.lib.composerefreshlayout.RefreshLayoutState
import com.dsbt.lib.composerefreshlayout.rememberRefreshLayoutState
import com.dsbt.lib.composerefreshlayout.DefaultRefreshFooter
import com.dsbt.lib.composerefreshlayout.DefaultRefreshHeader
val state = rememberRefreshLayoutState()
val lazyListState = rememberLazyListState()
state = state,
contentScrollState = lazyListState,
onRefresh = {
// do refresh
onLoadMore = {
// do load more
enableLoadMore = true,
enableRefresh = true,
header = {
DefaultRefreshHeader(state = it)
footer = {
DefaultRefreshFooter(state = it)
) {
LazyColumn(state = lazyListState, modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize()) {
// items goes here
After refreshing or loading more, you should call state.finishRefresh()
or state.finishLoadMore()
to finish the refresh or load more action.
By default, RefreshLayout
uses DefaultRefreshHeader
and DefaultRefreshFooter
as header and footer.
You can customize them by passing your own header and footer.
You can define the behavior of header and footer depends on the state of ActionState.RefreshingState
or ActionState.LoadingMoreState
For example:
fun DefaultRefreshHeader(state: ActionState.RefreshingState) {
var text by remember {
// update text depends on ActionState.RefreshingState
val newText = when {
state.componentStatus == ActionComponentStatus.Resetting -> ""
(state.componentStatus == ActionComponentStatus.IDLE || state.componentStatus == ActionComponentStatus.Dragging) && !state.hasMoreData -> "No more data"
state.componentStatus == ActionComponentStatus.InProgress -> "Refreshing"
state.componentStatus == ActionComponentStatus.Success -> "Refresh success"
state.componentStatus == ActionComponentStatus.Failed -> "Refresh failed"
state.componentStatus == ActionComponentStatus.ReadyForAction -> "Release to refresh"
else -> "Pull down to refresh"
if (newText.isNotEmpty()) {
text = newText
modifier = Modifier
) {
Text(text = text, modifier = Modifier.align(Alignment.Center))
- Cover more cases