Gestures Enhance the longevity of the physical volume button by utilizing an intuitive edge gesture Enhance the longevity of the physical volume button by utilizing an intuitive edge gesture 25 May 2023
Refresh A custom compose layout which supports refreshing and loading more gesture A custom compose layout which supports refreshing and loading more gesture 25 April 2023
Gestures A camera app that can either continuously detects hand landmarks and classifies gestures A camera app that can either continuously detects hand landmarks and classifies gestures 24 March 2023
Rating Rating bar to set fixed value or change rating by gestures with png or vector drawables and shimmer effect option Rating bar to set fixed value or change rating by gestures with png or vector drawables and shimmer effect option 11 October 2022
XML XML app that implements Android 13's predictive back gesture XML app that implements Android 13's predictive back gesture 14 August 2022
Gestures Force enable gesture for third-party launcher in MIUI Force enable gesture for third-party launcher in MIUI 18 April 2022
Pinch to Zoom Pinch to zoom used within list like Instagram Pinch to zoom used within list like Instagram 05 January 2022
Gestures A basic library that enables easy composition of gesture sequence recognition on a view A basic library that enables easy composition of gesture sequence recognition on a view 08 November 2021