MLKit A jetpack compose project showcasing MLKit vision-based use-cases A jetpack compose project showcasing MLKit vision-based use-cases 24 May 2023
MLKit OpenCV and ML Kit powered Android sudoku solver OpenCV and ML Kit powered Android sudoku solver 08 January 2023
QR Code An Demo Android App which uses ML Kit and CameraX Libarary to scan QR/Bar Code An Demo Android App which uses ML Kit and CameraX Libarary to scan QR/Bar Code 26 May 2022
Camera Face Detection using CameraX and MlKit (without Firebase) Face Detection using CameraX and MlKit (without Firebase) 05 May 2022
Firebase A virtual assistant that is made by using firebase ML Kit and Smart Reply A virtual assistant that is made by using firebase ML Kit and Smart Reply 15 March 2022
Text Recognizer Implement Text Recognition using MLKit in Jetpack Compose using Kotlin Implement Text Recognition using MLKit in Jetpack Compose using Kotlin 05 February 2022
Camera OCR app with entity extraction with mlkit and camerax OCR app with entity extraction with mlkit and camerax 12 November 2021
Scanner Showcase of barcode scanning using Google MLKIT and CameraX Showcase of barcode scanning using Google MLKIT and CameraX 10 November 2021
Apps Simple app that uses ML Kit to detect texts in image Simple app that uses ML Kit to detect texts in image 05 October 2021
Real-time Selfie Segmentation in Android with MLKit APIs Selfie Segmentation in Android with MLKit APIs 10 September 2021