Android ViewPagerIndicator

Paging indicator widgets that are compatible with the ViewPager from the Android Support Library to improve discoverability of content.

Paging indicator widgets compatible with the ViewPager from the Android Support Library and ActionBarSherlock.


For a working implementation of this project see the sample/ folder.

  1. Include one of the widgets in your view. This should usually be placed
    adjacent to the ViewPager it represents.

    android:layout_width="fill_parent" />

  2. In your onCreate method (or onCreateView for a fragment), bind the
    indicator to the ViewPager.

    //Set the pager with an adapter
    ViewPager pager = (ViewPager)findViewById(;
    pager.setAdapter(new TestAdapter(getSupportFragmentManager()));
    //Bind the title indicator to the adapter
    TitlePageIndicator titleIndicator = (TitlePageIndicator)findViewById(;
  3. (Optional) If you use an OnPageChangeListener with your view pager
    you should set it in the indicator rather than on the pager directly.

    //continued from above


There are three ways to style the look of the indicators.

  1. Theme XML. An attribute for each type of indicator is provided in which
    you can specify a custom style.
  2. Layout XML. Through the use of a custom namespace you can include any
    desired styles.
  3. Object methods. Both styles have getters and setters for each style
    attribute which can be changed at any point.

Each indicator has a demo which creates the same look using each of these

Including In Your Project

Android-ViewPagerIndicator is presented as an [Android library project][7]. A
standalone JAR is not possible due to the theming capabilities offered by the
indicator widgets.

You can include this project by [referencing it as a library project][8] in
Eclipse or ant.

If you are a Maven user you can easily include the library by specifying it as
a dependency:


This project depends on the ViewPager class which is available in the
[Android Support Library][2] or [ActionBarSherlock][3]. Details for
including one of those libraries is available on their respecitve web sites.
