
QR code design library for Compose Multiplatform

Screenshot 2023-10-10 at 10 34 05

Why QRose?

  • Lightweight – doesn’t contain any dependencies except of compose.ui;
  • Flexible – high customization ability that is open for extension;
  • Efficient – declare and render codes synchronously right from the composition in 60+ fps;
  • Scalable – no raster bitmaps, only scalable vector graphics;
  • Multiplatform – supports all the targets supported by Compose Multiplatform.


dependencies {


You can create code right in composition using rememberQrCodePainter. Or do it outside of Compose scope by instantiating a QrCodePainter class.

There are some overloads of rememberQrCodePainter including DSL constructor:

val logoPainter = painterResource("logo.png")

val qrcodePainter = rememberQrCodePainter("https://example.com") {
    logo {
        painter = logoPainter
        padding = QrLogoPadding.Natural(.1f)
        shape = QrLogoShape.circle()
        size = 0.2f

    shapes {
        ball = QrBallShape.circle()
        darkPixel = QrPixelShape.roundCorners()
        frame = QrFrameShape.roundCorners(.25f)
    colors {
        dark = QrBrush.brush {
                0f to Color.Red,
                1f to Color.Blue,
                end = Offset(it, it)
        frame = QrBrush.solid(Color.Black)


You can create your own shapes for each QR code part, for example:

class MyCircleBallShape : QrBallShape {
    override fun Path.path(size: Float, neighbors: Neighbors): Path = apply {
        addOval(Rect(0f,0f, size, size))


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