Stepper indicator
Step indicator for onboarding or simple viewpager.
You can checkout the Sample Application on the Play Store
First, add jitpack in your build.gradle at the end of repositories:
Then, add the library dependency:
Now go do some awesome stuff!
Name | Description | Default value |
stpi_animDuration | duration of the line tracing animation | 250 ms |
stpi_stepCount | number of pages/steps | |
stpi_circleColor | color of the stroke circle | #b3bdc2 (grey) |
stpi_circleRadius | radius of the circle | 10dp |
stpi_circleStrokeWidth | width of circle's radius | 4dp |
stpi_indicatorColor | color for the current page indicator | #00b47c (green) |
stpi_indicatorRadius | radius for the circle of the current page indicator | 4dp |
stpi_lineColor | color of the line between indicators | #b3bdc2 (grey) |
stpi_lineDoneColor | color of a line when step is done | #00b47c (green) |
stpi_lineStrokeWidth | width of the line stroke | 2dp |
stpi_lineMargin | margin at each side of the line | 5dp |
stpi_showDoneIcon | show the done check icon or not | true |