Ergo Wallet Android

Ergo Wallet for Android, built on top of Ergo Appkit.



  • generating wallets, restoring wallets in a way compatible to Yoroi and Ergo node
  • no need to make a full sync, this is a lightweight client
  • Requesting payments by showing QR code or sharing a link
  • adding read-only wallets to watch balance
  • Show wallet balance, configurable comparison fiat currency
  • Sending payments

Current state: Ready for testing. You can test the app on testnet. Generate a new wallet and send
yourself some test Ergos by visiting

See releases section for binaries (built on GitHub) and release notes. It is normal that Google Play Protect warns about
an unsafe app. GitHub builds the binaries with a certificate unknown to Google.
Visit the Ergo Discord to give feedback.


  • [ ] Progress indicator when restoring wallet (slow on some devices)
  • [ ] Prevent sending transaction when there are unconfirmed transactions (does not work, transaction is discarded)
  • [ ] Check if assets are safe
  • [ ] Gradle verify dependencies
  • [ ] API < 26 for all:

And maybe more

  • [ ] Derive addresses from master key
  • [ ] Address book
  • [ ] In app transactions list and details
