ORT Config

This repository contains configuration files for the OSS Review Toolkit.



The curations directory contains
package curations for
open source packages.

Package curations submitted to this repository must adhere to the following rules:

  • Declaring authors, declared licenses, and concluded licenses is currently not allowed.
  • Curations that apply to whole namespaces by only setting the type and namespace of the identifier are not allowed.
  • The curation file path must be curations/[type]/[namespace]/[name].yml. If the namespace is empty, use “_”. For
    example a curation for the package NuGet::Azure.Core:1.2.0 must be in the file curation/NuGet/_/Azure.Core.yml.

Package configurations containing license finding curations or path excludes are not yet supported.


The tools directory contains tools that help generating curations.


To use the configuration provided by this repository, it needs to be cloned, and the files need to be passed to the
respective options of the ORT CLI commands. For example, to use the curations with the ORT analyzer:

ort analyze --package-curations-dir [path-to-curations-dir]

Using this repository together with ORT will be simplified in future.


This repository is currently in incubation and not yet ready for contributions.


Copyright (C) 2022 Bosch.IO GmbH

See the LICENSE file in the root of this project for license details.

OSS Review Toolkit (ORT) is a Linux Foundation project and part of


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