Mobile Development
Mobile development contribute to the development of android-based mobile applications. Development starts from designing the UI/UX and implementing the design into the application. Build systems and features available in the application. The following is a job description that has been done by mobile development:
UI/UX Designing:
- Create lo-fi wireframe design for the application
- Create UI design and prototype
- Splash screen when the application running for the first time
- Login page to enter the home screen using existed account and google account
- Register page to create new account
- Home page that contains chat button and sign out button
- Chatting page that contains edit text to write a message, button to send a message and list of messages
- Login and register
- Chatting bot
- Recommendation system
Technology and Tools:
- Kotlin
- Firebase
- Room database
- Retrofit
How to compile the project:
- Fork project
- Generate SHA-1 in android studio terminal using command gradlew signingreport
- Contact one of contributor to add in firebase
- Contributor will send file google-services.json
- Open the project folder->app-> google-services.json
- Overwrite the existing google-service.json file in the project with the new one