Mobile Development

Mobile development contribute to the development of android-based mobile applications. Development starts from designing the UI/UX and implementing the design into the application. Build systems and features available in the application. The following is a job description that has been done by mobile development:

UI/UX Designing:

  1. Create lo-fi wireframe design for the application
  2. Create UI design and prototype
  3. Splash screen when the application running for the first time
  4. Login page to enter the home screen using existed account and google account
  5. Register page to create new account
  6. Home page that contains chat button and sign out button
  7. Chatting page that contains edit text to write a message, button to send a message and list of messages


  1. Login and register
  2. Chatting bot
  3. Recommendation system

Technology and Tools:

  1. Kotlin
  2. Firebase
  3. Room database
  4. Retrofit

How to compile the project:

  1. Fork project
  2. Generate SHA-1 in android studio terminal using command gradlew signingreport
  3. Contact one of contributor to add in firebase
  4. Contributor will send file google-services.json
  5. Open the project folder->app-> google-services.json
  6. Overwrite the existing google-service.json file in the project with the new one


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