An easy to use library for barcode detection. Based on the new AndroidX Camera2 api. Uses the zxing barcode detection library.
Comes with a BarcodeView, which combines a camera preview and an automatic overlay for detected barcodes.
Also contains three differend ready to use dialogs:
- BarcodeDialog (DialogFragment)
- BarcodeBottomSheet (BottomSheetDialogFragment)
- BarcodeAlertDialog (AlertDialog)
- camera permission handling
- customize the displayed result points
- customize the barcode type (can be a list)
- allows scanning of inverted barcodes (white barcode on black background)
Add library dependency
Add jitpack to your toplevel gradle file (if not already present):
Add barcode-kaiteki as dependency:
Just let your Activity/Fragment implement BarcodeResultListener.
Then it is as easy as showing one of the provided dialogs.
You can also use the BarcodeView directly in your Layout.
Then add in your onCreate/onViewCreated: bcode.bindToLifecycle(this)
and in your onStop: bcode.unbind()