This repository was created for a git workshop for advanced users. The project contains a rest server that returns documentation for some git commands. This Readme also includes the tasks, participants should solve.
Tasks (Part 1)
- Use commit amend to fix the spelling mistake in the commit message of the last commit on branch “main”
- Cherry-Pick the two commits from the branch “feature/1” onto the main
- Reset the branch “feature/1” onto the main
- Rebase the branch “feature/2” onto the main
- Merge “feature/2” into the main
- Rebase the branch “feature/3” onto the main and fix the conflicts
- Merge the branch “feature/3” into the main
Tasks (Part 2)
- Create a new (bare) repository (in github) and push your local repository there
- Find out, who pushed the secret key into the repo and when (what commit)
- Install git-filter-repo and use it to purge the secret key from the repo
- Use filter-repo to change the wrong mail address “” and replace it with ““
- Push the changes