? Country Information App ?
This Kotlin-based mobile application utilizes the Rest Countries API to fetch and display country data from around the world. The app manages API requests using the Retrofit library and presents users with information such as country name, capital, spoken languages, population, currency, time zone, the first day of the week, and the country’s location on Google Maps.
- View a list of all countries
- View detailed information about any country
- Display the country’s location on Google Maps
- Open the application.
- On the main screen, you will find a list of all countries. You can tap on a country to view its detailed information.
- On the country’s detail page, you can find information such as the country’s capital, spoken languages, population, currency, time zone, the first day of the week, and its location on Google Maps.
Technologies Used
- Kotlin
- Retrofit: Used for API requests
- RecyclerView: Used to display the list of countries
- Lottie Animation: Used for splash screen animation
- Picasso: Used for uploading photos
- Clone this repository:
git clone https://github.com/YOUR_USERNAME/YOUR_APP_NAME.git
- Open Android Studio.
- Select “Open an Existing Project” and choose the cloned project folder.
- Run the application on an emulator or a physical device.
This application is a simple example of fetching and displaying country data using the Rest Countries API. You can customize the features and design according to your own project’s needs.
License: This project is open source.