is a small library consisting of useful machines for simprokmachine framework.
Add this in your project’s gradle file:
implementation 'com.github.simprok-dev:simproktools-kotlin:1.1.1'
and this in your settings.gradle file:
repositories {
maven { url '' }
A machine that emits the injected value when subscribed and every time input is received.
val machine = JustMachine<Input, Int>(0) // Int can be replaced with any type
Works on the main thread.
A machine that emits the injected value when subscribed.
val machine = SingleMachine<Input, Int>(0) // Int can be replaced with any type
Works on the main thread.
A machine that accepts a value as input and immediately emits it as output.
When subscribed – emits null
val machine = ValueMachine<Int>() // Int can be replaced with any type
Works on the main thread.
A machine that when subscribed or receives input – ignores it, never emitting output.
val machine = NeverMachine<Input, Output>()
Works on the main thread.
A machine that receives input, reduces it into state and emits it.
// Boolean and Int can be replaced with any types
val _ = ReducerMachine<Boolean, Int>(0) { state, value -> // Int and Boolean
// return ReducerResult.Set(0) // 0 will be a new State and will be passed as output
// return ReducerResult.Skip() // state won't be changed and passed as output
A machine that receives input, reduces it into state and array of outputs that are emitted.
// Boolean, Unit, and Int can be replaced with any types
val _ = ClassicMachine<Boolean, Unit, Int>(
ClassicResult<Boolean, Int>.set(false, outputs = 0, 1, 2) // initial state and initial outputs that are emitted when machine is subscribed to
) { state, event ->
ClassicResult<Boolean, Int>.set(true, outputs = 3, 4, 5) // new state `true` and outputs `3, 4, 5`
Scan operator
Takes this
and applies specific behavior.
When parent machine sends new input, it is either reduced into new child state and sent to this
or mapped into parent output and emitted back.
When this
sends new output, it is either reduced into new child state and sent back to this
or mapped into parent output and emitted.
// All the types can be replaced with anything else.
val machine: Machine<Boolean, Int> = ...
val result: Machine<String, Unit> = machine.scan(true) { state, event ->
// event has either come from parent as input or from child as output.
// output should either go to the parent as output or to the child as new input and state.
// Return
// ScanOutput<Unit, Boolean>.State(Bool) // when input has to be sent to the child machine AND state has to be changed.
// ScanOutput<Unit, Boolean>.Event(Unit) // when output has to be sent to the parent machine.