A FragmentDialog implemented with RecyclerView that can accept Single or Multiple selections.
RecyclerPickerDialog is distributed through Maven Central, Jcenter and Jitpack.
implementation 'com.github.guilhe:recycler-picker-dialog:${LATEST_VERSION}'
Selection types
enum class SelectionType { SINGLE, MULTIPLE }
Selector types
enum class SelectorType { CHECK_BOX, RADIO_BUTTON, SWITCH }
Custom fields (and default values)
var title = ""
var showSearchBar = false
var inputHint = ""
var buttonText: String = "Ok"
var resetValuesOnShow = true
var dismissKeyboardOnSelection = true
var dismissOnSelection = false
var isChoiceMandatory = false
var data: ArrayList<Item> = arrayListOf()
@AnimRes var itemsLayoutAnimator: Int? = null
var dialogHeight: Int = ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT
var lifecycleOwner: LifecycleOwner? = null
Avoid Memory Leaks
Just add the following line to avoid memory leak if not dismissed before activity or fragment are destroyed:
picker.newInstance(/* setup... */).apply { lifecycleOwner = this@MainActivity }
To override default theme just create yours by simply extending it and replacing desired color values:
<style name="DialogA" parent="RecyclerPickerDialogTheme">
<item name="colorPrimary">@color/red</item>
<item name="recyclerPickerDialogCornerRadius">20dp</item>
You can override the following attributes:
<style name="RecyclerPickerDialogTheme" parent="Theme.MaterialComponents.Light.Dialog">
<item name="colorPrimary"/>
<item name="colorOnPrimary"/>
<item name="colorSecondary"/>
<item name="android:textColorPrimary"/>
<item name="android:textColorSecondary"/>
<item name="colorAccent"/>
<item name="android:colorEdgeEffect"/>
<item name="recyclerPickerDialogCornerRadius"/>
- colorPrimary > Title and Button background color
- colorOnPrimary > Title and Button text color
- colorSecondary > Dialog and Row background color
- colorEdgeEffect > RecyclerView edge color
- textColorPrimary > Search and Row text color
- textColorSecondary > Search hint and icon color; Horizontal Lines color
- colorSurface > CheckBox, RadioButton and Switch unchecked color
- colorOnSurface > Button background when disabled (note overrides colorSurface)
- colorAccent > CheckBox, RadioButton and Switch checked color; Hint cursor color
- recyclerPickerDialogCornerRadius > Dialog corners radius
Creating new instance:
val picker =
type = SelectionType.SINGLE, //default
selector = SelectorType.CHECK_BOX, //default
theme =, //default
onItemsPicked = { selected -> /* selected items or empty */ }
.apply {
/* configure custom fields */
Show it when desired:, "MyPickerDialogFragment")
Try out the sample app to see it working!