Flipboard's ViewPager-based Android Banner that supports auto scrolling and decent animation.
Smooth buoy movement animation and title opacity animation.
You can choose to enable logo at the top left corner.
Compatible to banners with less than three items.
You can specify the auto scroll interval and animation duration.
public methods to start and stop auto scroll.
Infinite loop.
dependencies {
compile 'it.chengdazhi.decentbanner:decentbanner:1.0.7'
- To initiate your DecentBanner, first acquire DecentBanner instance mDecentBanner in Java or XML, then:
* @param views the list of views that you want to include in the banner
* @param titles the list of titles that appears as tabs at the bottom
* @param intervalSeconds the interval of auto scrolling, set to 2 in sample
* @param animationMillis the scrolling's animation time, set to 500 in sample
* @param int logoResourceId | Bitmap logoBitmap the logo you want to display.
You can skip this param if you don't want it.
mDecentBanner.start(List<View> views, List<String> titles, int intervalSeconds,
int animationMillis[, int logoResourceId | Bitmap logoBitmap]);
Note that when you want to show less than 3 views, you need to extend the views to be no less than three items. When you want to display 2 views, your titles param should contain 2 items and your views param should contain 4 items as ABAB
You can call the following two methods to start/stop auto scrolling.
- You can call these method to enable/disable gradient cover or to query whether the cover is enabled
mDecentBanner.setGradientEnabled(boolean enabled);