Tic Tac Toe Android App ?
Welcome to the repository for a Tic Tac Toe game built in Kotlin using Jetpack Compose.
User-Friendly Interface: Enjoy a straightforward and interactive user interface designed with Jetpack Compose.
MVVM Architecture: The app follows the Model-View-ViewModel architectural pattern for organized and scalable code.
Player Input: Enter player names, choose marks (X or O), and start the game seamlessly.
Real-time Updates: Play on an interactive game board, make moves, and experience dynamic updates.
Game Logic: The app implements the Tic Tac Toe game logic with a winner-check mechanism.
ViewModel and UI State
ViewModel: GameViewModel ?️
- Handles game logic and UI state.
- Tracks player names, marks, game progress, and board state.
- Manages the start, move, and end game actions.
UI State: GameUiState ?
- Stores the current state of the UI, including player info, game status, and board state.