ignition JavaFX Provider

This provides the javafx runtimes for windows, linux, and mac os x86 platforms for Ignition

Steps to use

  1. run gradlew build
  2. stop the gateway
  3. copy the contents of build/opt to your gateways lib/opt
    1. this should result in a javafx folder next to jxbrowser
  4. start the gateway
  5. install the module built in the root build directory
    1. not this does not perform signing. you will need to include the sign.props file to sign this module if you
      want to use it in production.

after this you should be able to test that javafx is present in the designer and client with a simple script on a
button or something

from javafx.application import Platform, ConditionalFeature

print("javafx Graphics present: " + str(Platform.isSupported(ConditionalFeature.GRAPHICS)))
print("javafx Controls present: " + str(Platform.isSupported(ConditionalFeature.CONTROLS)))


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