Xlite 2.0

Xlite is a modular kotlin based RSPS. The goal of Xlite 2.0 is to provide the community with a stable and powerful sandbox to experiment with new technologies in the world of Runescape.


  • Stand-alone JS5 file server, HTTP Server for configuration and or client launcher.
  • Stand-alone Game server used to power worlds.
  • Externalized packet structures for easy revision switching


Xlite 2.0 is built in Kotlin and relies on Gradle for dependency management. Make sure you’re using the latest versions of both. We also opt in for experimental functionality with kotlin, as Xlite 2.0 is experimental in it’s nature.

That being said, you can read up more on the Op-in requirements here


  • Graham (For design inspiration and using his EntityList)
  • Displee for cache reading/writing


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to write unit test and or update any test that might have been impacted.



