Processing A template for doing Processing for Kotlin A template for doing Processing for Kotlin 04 July 2022
Templates Template for using Processing 4 with the Gradle Build Tool and Kotlin Template for using Processing 4 with the Gradle Build Tool and Kotlin 28 May 2022
Processing Skip the process of setting up a new android project Skip the process of setting up a new android project 31 December 2021
Kotlin This repository is sample for Processing For Kotlin This repository is sample for Processing For Kotlin 06 December 2021
Kotlin Kotlin Symbol Processor library to create Mutable and Immutable variants of objects Kotlin Symbol Processor library to create Mutable and Immutable variants of objects 02 December 2021
Event Event State Processor Generator plugin is compatible with IntelliJ and Android Studio Event State Processor Generator plugin is compatible with IntelliJ and Android Studio 30 November 2021
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Annotation KSP annotation processor for Toothpick KSP annotation processor for Toothpick 20 October 2021
Annotation Annotation proccessor for generate public observers Annotation proccessor for generate public observers 04 October 2021
Kotlin Exploring Kotlin Symbol Processing - KSP Exploring Kotlin Symbol Processing - KSP 29 September 2021