Parser A lightweight Kotlin library for parsing HTML, extracting HTML tags A lightweight Kotlin library for parsing HTML, extracting HTML tags 15 May 2023
Parser Example project for HTLM Parser in Kotlin Example project for HTLM Parser in Kotlin 12 May 2023
Parser MachOParser - A Kotlin library to parse Mach-O files MachOParser - A Kotlin library to parse Mach-O files 20 October 2022
Parser A Kotlin multiplatform parser combinator library A Kotlin multiplatform parser combinator library 01 October 2022
Parser Parse and verify a Visible Digital Seal (VDS) or VDS-NC (Non-Constrained) Parse and verify a Visible Digital Seal (VDS) or VDS-NC (Non-Constrained) 09 July 2022
Parser Danger-kotlin plugin to parse and report Detekt violations Danger-kotlin plugin to parse and report Detekt violations 30 June 2022
Kotlin A Kotlin multiplatform library to parse Twitter text A Kotlin multiplatform library to parse Twitter text 24 June 2022
Parsing An advanced environment variable parsing library for Kotlin An advanced environment variable parsing library for Kotlin 13 April 2022
Kotlin Kotlinx serialization URI parser Multiplatform Kotlinx serialization URI parser Multiplatform 02 March 2022
Scanner ZATAC Scanner - Android Kotlin-based QR code scanner and parser which de-crypt TLV qr codes and parse them into their values ZATAC Scanner - Android Kotlin-based QR code scanner and parser which de-crypt TLV qr codes and parse them into their values 18 January 2022
Recipes A Gourmand/Gourmet recipe parser which serves your dishes on your Android device A Gourmand/Gourmet recipe parser which serves your dishes on your Android device 02 December 2021
Parser Parser and Expression Evaluator for Logic Statements Parser and Expression Evaluator for Logic Statements 21 November 2021
Parsing Generic AST parsing library for kotlin multiplatform Generic AST parsing library for kotlin multiplatform 14 November 2021
Kotlin Kotlin parser library with an easy-to-use DSL Kotlin parser library with an easy-to-use DSL 24 October 2021
Network A small Android project to practice executing network requests and parsing the network response A small Android project to practice executing network requests and parsing the network response 13 October 2021
Parsing High level parsing to ensure your input is in the right shape and satisfies all constraints that business logic requires High level parsing to ensure your input is in the right shape and satisfies all constraints that business logic requires 07 October 2021
Parsing High level parsing to ensure your input is in the right shape and satisfies all constraints that business logic requires High level parsing to ensure your input is in the right shape and satisfies all constraints that business logic requires 06 October 2021
Command Line A simple command line parser that takes different kind and format of inputs A simple command line parser that takes different kind and format of inputs 05 October 2021